Rooting For Each Other

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Wei Ying sniffed the air appreciatively, enjoying the faint fragrance of tobacco from someone smoking, passing by a while ago, mingling with that strange autumnal scent of crispy mornings on the cusp of fall, just before the leaves turned golden and bronze and decorated the streets, and of course, the perfume from the flowers on display.

There was an optimistic joy to be had on mornings like this, an unexpected morning for him because he, as a rule, tried not to get up before midday. But today, Jiang Cheng had called him with an emergency. He didn't bother messaging, probably because he knew Wei Ying stayed away from his evil contraption before a solid cup of black coffee or two, otherwise it spelled disaster in all the ways disaster could be spelled...

Either side of that miracle, at precisely eleven o'clock, Wei Ying was showered (gasp!), breakfasted (GASP!), and on his way to open their tattoo parlour nestled in between several flower shops in New York City's famous Flower District.

But he has to stop.

He had been minding his business as you do, taking care not to step on any cracks in the pavement because he loved that game as a kid and never grew out of it, plus it was fun, and Wei Ying never missed an opportunity for it; hence the reason for his whiplash.

His first glance inside the shop has him do a double take, and then he's stopped because the sight of a grown man wearing pale blue bunny slippers and smiling at his plants is way too cute to miss, even if said man is so beautiful, he makes something stutter and come alive in Wei Ying's chest.

For a full thirty seconds, Wei Ying forgets to breathe, blink or move.

From the other side of this glass, the stunning man has captured his attention like no other, and Wei Ying is rooted to the spot, simply drinking him in.

He is dressed casually on this somewhat cool day, wearing loose pale grey sweatpants and a cream hoodie with tiny cute paws on the ends of the strings. When he turns around so his back is facing Wei Ying, he sees there are two cute ears hanging off the hood part, and a fluffy tail peeking out from where the fabric has turned over, making the whole ensemble even more adorable.

And this tall guy, because he is somehow at least a couple of inches taller than Wei Ying, broad shouldered in a way that makes him shiver and something dangerous in his belly flip (several times), easily could have been a model, based on just his looks.

His hair, thick and long, is braided loosely and secured with a bunny clip, worn so it casually falls over his left shoulder. His long elegant fingers, pale against the contrasting red watering can he is holding, looks just as beautiful as his face. His sharp cheekbones give way to rounder cheeks, and Wei Ying is overcome with the strangest desire to squish them, just to see if they are as soft as they look.

But his lips...oh! They are gorgeous. A delightful pink colour, and with just enough fullness to taste, moving ever so slightly that makes Wei Ying gasp for real.

Is he actually talking to his plants?

No way!

Wei Ying has to close his eyes for a minute, just to suppress his squeal! When he opens them again, to make sure the incredibly hot guy isn't wearing earbuds, the sound that comes out of his mouth is like a dying animal.

It makes the Incredibly Hot Guy (™) look up, his golden eyes suddenly sharp and glaring, annoyed at whatever has disturbed his peaceful tranquillity, fixing Wei Ying with the most intense expression.


When Lan XiChen asked Lan Zhan what he was going to call his flower shop, Lan Zhan hadn't even paused to think about it.

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