The Red String of Fate

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The first time it happens, Lan Zhan hears a noise.

It is quiet in the Jingshi, and he was alone when he went to it stands to reason that he should be alone now.

The noise happens again.

It is soft, like the rustling of cloth.

Lan Zhan opens his eyes.

There is a face staring back at him, full of curiosity.

It's a beautiful face too, and this is what Lan Zhan finds annoying.

He doesn't let himself think about this just yet, because the face is also terribly fascinating.

There are two silver eyes peering at him, as if they can't quite believe what they are seeing. Those eyes are shining with the light of the pale moon coming in through the large circular window. There is a cute button nose that Lan Zhan would like to boop.

Lan Zhan has never booped anything in his life.

Except for his bunnies.

(They don't count.)

"Hello." The mysterious person says.

Lan Zhan has used his brilliant deduction skills to understand that the face belongs to another boy, similar in age to himself. His wild and unruly hair is messily tied up in a ponytail with a vibrant red ribbon.

But none of the above information helps him to understand why he is here.

Inside the Jingshi.

Inside his Jingshi.

It feels invasive.

But the boy is unfairly pretty, and when he smiles so brightly, he is even more beautiful.

Lan Zhan is not too sure what to do with all of this, because for starters, he has just woken up. And any disturbance to his normal routine is not appreciated nor welcomed. So he decides to go with not liking this situation.

He starts to rise and suddenly, the boy sneezes.

In that instance, two things happen:

1. The boy disappears.

2. His wrist starts to itch.

Lan Zhan is happy about the first thing, because it means he can put it out of his mind. It is no longer a problem.

Not for him, at least.

But the gradual itchiness on the wrist of his right hand slowly pulls his attention away from his meditation and feeling slightly annoyed by this second interruption of the day, Lan Zhan pulls back his long sleeve to see what it could be.

There is a red mark.

It is very itchy.

It reminds him of a time not long ago where on a night hunt, he had been bitten by an unidentifiable insect and suffered similar symptoms; at the time, the healers had given him an ointment to apply, and it is this which Lan Zhan retrieves from a drawer.

He applies the mixture and feels some measure of relief.

He is able to continue with his meditation without further mishap and indeed, the rest of his day continues in the same way.


The second time it happens however, is very much different.

A week has passed.

Lan Zhan is taking a bath.

He feels the change rather than sees the intruder.

He is startled to see the same person as before in his room.

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