The Flowers in Your Garden Part 10

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XiChen had been following his baby brother just by his instincts; he had seen the electrifying Zidian race towards A-Xian, and momentarily stumbled, his arm aching with the memory of already having been hurt once by that spiritual weapon.

But just as he would have called upon LieBing, his flute, because he could not use his sword until his arm healed now, he saw waves of blue energy deflect those harmful purple rays and wrap around the perpetrator. Still, Madam Yu's formidable skills were well known and for good reason, because she was about to unleash another attack when Bichen sailed through the air and severed her hand from her wrist, before returning to his owner.

Lan Zhan had already reached Wei Ying, protecting him with his body while kissing A-Xian all over his face.

XiChen had smiled upon seeing that, more when Lan Zhan had silenced the wailing screams of agony behind them with a wave of his hand. He walked towards them and picked up both swords, Bichen and Suibian.

Behind him, he heard Uncle Qiren command guards to arrest Madam Yu, and when a disciple had asked about her injury, Uncle Qiren’s refusal to let her be treated in the infirmary was satisfying.

XiChen watched them take her away. Uncle Qiren picked up the still crackling Zidian and walked away in the opposite direction, separating mistress and tool of torture for now.

Then he turned to his baby brother who had yet to let go of his future Cultivation Partner.

"Didi...take A-Xian to the infirmary. Make sure he is alright. I'll take these to the Jingshi after I've cleaned them."

"Mn. Xiongzhang...thank you." Lan Zhan picked up Wei Ying into his arms and strode off purposefully towards the healers.

Lan Zhan was still reeling from Wei Ying's confession...Wei Ying, who had his eyes closed now and was holding onto him desperately.

He had seen this excellent swordsman standing upright and defending not only himself, but that group of innocent disciples too scared to move away when Zidian attacked, and he was so proud of his Wei Ying!

He lifted Wei Ying a little higher and kissed his forehead, grateful that he was alright and unharmed.

The healers had been informed and were awaiting their arrival. They directed Lan Zhan to a private room and made him place Wei Ying on the bed, in spite of his protests that he was alright.

After they had prodded and poked him, he felt exhausted. Once the healers left, he tugged on Lan Zhan’s sleeve and pulled him into bed.

"Let's sleep now." He closed his eyes before Lan Zhan could argue.

Lan Zhan smiled at his sleeping face and held him tighter, closing his own eyes too. There was so much he wanted to say to his Wei Ying...but it would have to wait until the morning.


Wei Ying was dreaming...

He was walking through a beautiful garden, the sweet perfume of cherry blossoms and lotus flowers was drifting upon the soft breeze...and then as he turned, Wei Ying could smell the beautiful scent of sandalwood...

This aroma he associated only with one person...and he smiled brightly as Lan Zhan came into view. He ran up to him excitedly...but in that half second, night fell upon them, and the paralysing crackle of Zidian snapping with ferocity was heard. And Wei Ying only thought about protecting Lan Zhan from Madam Yu and he screamed out a warning....

"Wei Ying! WEI YING! WAKE UP!"

Lan Zhan had jerked awake, startled by the sudden noise, and immediately realised that Wei Ying was hurting, haunted by whatever he was seeing in his mind. He gently shook the beautiful man, even as tears leaked out from his eyes still closed tightly while he dreamed.

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