Masquerade of Hearts Part 4

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Wei Ying was slightly nervous about letting Lan Zhan into his home. Of course, it was probably the worry that since he rarely bothered to tidy up after himself, that his guest would be rather disgusted with his habitat, and nothing, at all, to do with the fact that his very strong arm was wrapped around his waist as they climbed up the stairs.

There was a young family that lived in the apartment below his, and their children liked to play on the stairs, often leaving a few toys scattered here and there. It was fine during the day, because Wei Ying normally saw any possible tripping hazards before he fell, but on one or two occasions, he hadn't been so lucky.

Right now, Lan Zhan was thinking about this real possibility as he stooped to shift the obstacles to the side, glaring at the objects as if they had personally offended him.

He was still holding on to Wei Ying as they climbed, yet these small actions only made Wei Ying more aware of this caring side to Lan Zhan. He might have seemed cold and aloof on their first meeting, but even then, he had offered him pain relief. And Wei Ying was still trying to control his heart beats, that seemed to have a mind of their own; if his heart was a horse, it would have galloped far off into the distance like a racing stallion leaving a dust cloud.

It was nice, this feeling that someone cared about him, enough to escort him right up to his home. He watched Lan Zhan pick through the many keys and fobs of rabbits - something he had found he was powerless to resist if it was cute enough, and now he had a collection of maybe eight of these on that single keyring - and find the right key without asking. His elegant, pale fingers grasped the head of the key and inserted it into the lock, turning it and opening the door.

Wei Ying was wondering whether or not it was possible to combust after watching such an ordinary act rile up his insides. He shivered.

Lan Zhan glanced at him again, his expression concerned.


"A bit." It wasn't exactly a lie.

He was deposited onto the couch, and Lan Zhan disappeared into his kitchen. From the sounds he was making, of cupboards opening and closing, Wei Ying guessed he was making them tea. A few years ago, he had rediscovered green tea and never looked back.

Now, Lan Zhan cleared the table and placed two steaming mugs on it, sitting down right next to him. Wei Ying checked his own forehead for his temperature, wondering if there was another reason his body was reacting this way, before a cooler hand batted his away to check for himself. And of course, this made the unfairly too hot man sit far too close to him. Golden eyes stared intensely back, unwavering.

"You do not have a temperature."

"T-that's a relief."

Wei Ying shifted so Lan Zhan was forced to remove his hand. He was watching the latter, so he was aware of the exact moment his golden eyes widened. Those long fingers picked up his flute which had rolled off the table at some point. Lan Zhan ran his finger along the top edge of the instrument, almost caressing the bamboo.

That single act was turning his insides into mush and Wei Ying wondered what it would be like to kiss him. That random thought made him blush a bright red, and Lan Zhan happened to glance back at him just then.

"What do you play?" His voice was incredibly soft, almost a whisper.

"I only know the one song. I don't even know what it's called."

"Play for me?"

Wei Ying flushed brighter, and took the flute away.

"Maybe some other time, if that's okay?"

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