Love Letters Part 2

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They were sitting at the kitchen table, Lan Zhan having served them both pancakes with syrup. He had added chocolate sauce for Wei Ying’s portion with a healthy dollop of summer berries just to balance out the excessive sugar, and made his own plate the same minus the chocolate.

He covertly watched Wei Ying through his lashes, taking a bite, and chewing ever so slowly as if to savour every single sensation. From the pleasant texture of cooked batter, to the sweetness exploding on his tongue, contrasted by the tang of slightly sour fruit, Lan Zhan could see everything reflected in those beautiful silver eyes. There was a tiny bit of chocolate at the corner of his lip...just above that delightful mole...and Lan Zhan wanted to bite it.

Or at least lick off the chocolate if nothing else.

"Is there something on my face?" Wei Ying wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Sorry." He laughed awkwardly. "You know, you can just say. I've been told I have the manners of a pig."

Lan Zhan scowled at that. Who would have dared say something so hurtful to his Wei Ying?

"So sorry, Lan Zhan...I'll eat better, promise." Wei Ying was saying.

Too late, Lan Zhan realised that his facial expression must not have matched his thoughts, or else Wei Ying had the wrong idea again. If only he would communicate better, they could improve on their relationship and not have so many misunderstandings. It was something Lan Zhan regretted terribly.

"It is okay." He said, instead of saying, you can eat how you like, I could watch you forever, I love you....

He sighed.

"But it's not okay, is it?" Wei Ying replied, mournfully. "I don't know how you put up with someone like me. I mean," he gestured between them with his free hand, "we're total opposites." He looked back into the chaotic mess of their living room.

Lan Zhan tried to see it through his eyes. There was a pale blue blanket open and loosely thrown over their white couch because his Wei Ying got cold if they happened to be watching something, which they hadn't in a long while. A red sweater was draped over the black wheelie chair, half hanging to the floor and in danger of getting caught under one of the wheels.

And his desk...

Half chewed multicoloured pens and pencils were strewn across its surface like the aftermath of a tropical hurricane. Papers were thrown together in a questionable pile, and then there was that still neat stack of letters waiting to be answered. It's condition showed it hadn't been touched yet.

Lan Zhan smiled at the familiarness of the mess.

"I'll clean it up, I'm sorry, I should-"

"No!" Lan Zhan said, perhaps a little too harshly.

The downcast eyes widened at the change.

But if Wei Ying said sorry one more time-

"What's your favourite colour?" Lan Zhan demanded instead, before his brain could catch up and stop him.

"Huh?" Wei Ying looked momentarily confused before grinning.

Lan Zhan was too relieved and almost missed his answer.

"Haven't got one."

His smile was distracting.

Lan Zhan couldn't look away.

Wei Ying had been covertly watching Lan Zhan too, just that he was better at it.

Those golden eyes so thoughtfully contemplating his breakfast...he was probably meditating about where his meal had generated from, thanking the farmers for harvesting the wheat etc...but the trouble was, he looked so good while he was doing it.

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