There's a Book...Part 2

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"A book is a dream you hold in your hands." Neil Gaiman

Wei Ying looked under their table while his breath was coming out in short, sharp gasps. Maybe his son had slipped off the chair...but no, there was nobody there.

His blood was getting thicker and colder, his mind rushing into shock.

Where was A-Yuan?

Could he have woken up and wandered off?

Or worse, was he taken?

Just that thought alone had Wei WuXian running past the shelves shouting, "A-Yuan! Where are you? A-Yuan!??"

Tears fell from his eyes, even after his attempts to wipe his face.

"Young man! What seems to be the trouble?" A kind old lady said, stopping him in his tracks.

"Granny, I'm looking for my son...did you see a little boy go past you?" He asked her, trying to calm himself down. "He's only three...I have to find him!" He choked back a sob.

"I come here all the time." She pointed to one of the CCTV cameras. "You should go ask security. They'll know what happened to your boy."

"Good idea, Granny. Thank you so much! What's your name?"

"Granny Wen. And it's no trouble. You'll find him soon enough." She patted his shoulder and disappeared behind a shelf.

Wei Ying ran down the artistic glass staircase, not caring that he had probably broken every single rule on that stupid board outside. He had to find his


Lan WangJi had returned to the fiction area. He couldn't help himself, there were books there, demanding his attention, and he knew if he left it until tomorrow, he would not be able to sleep.

So warily, he sneaked back into that section, internally chanting that he was not going to look around, and he was not going to go looking for trouble, especially when it had silver starlight eyes and a fabulous mega watt smile.

He had books to return to their places, and that was far more important.

So he put ear buds in his ears, and put some soothing classical music on, loud, and took up the organising of the books from whence he'd left off.

But when he tried to move, his leg was stuck. He looked down to find a tearful child clinging onto his thigh with an amazing grip...and oh no! This was that kid!

The one that had been laughing so hard when Lan WangJi had seen him and his father. The beautiful man.

The kid was saying something.

Lan WangJi resisted the urge to shake it off.

The kid was crying more...and Lan WangJi remembered he was wearing headphones, but the moment he removed them, the noise level was utterly unacceptable. His ears hurt.

So he picked it up.

It was so surprised, it squeaked.

But at least, it was quiet now. Still sniffling and reminded him of his rabbits. He had two of them, a black one and a white one, at home. It was twitching it's nose just like Wu and Ji.

"Where is your father?" Lan WangJi asked it.

That was apparently the totally wrong thing to say, because more tears fell from it's eyes and the noises got louder.

"Wait...wait..." Wait? For what? He had no idea, but it understood him.

"Beautiful Gege, find my Baba." The kid latched on, holding onto his neck.

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