Love Letters Part 3

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Something was wrong.

That was his immediate thought, as Lan Zhan got up after looking at his watch. Two twenty-two...the magic of three exact same numbers...a fantasy that something out of the ordinary was going to happen.

The sky was the deepest blue, infinite and wide, clear and magnificent. Stars centred around the half moon. Night birds called now and again as he waited by the window.

What had disturbed his sleep?

Perhaps he was thirsty. So he put on his blue bunny slippers, a gift from Wei Ying and padded to the kitchen. On the way, he had to go past the living room. The whole apartment was quiet...but there was a noise.

Lan Zhan stopped in his tracks.

Someone was sitting on the couch, all huddled up.

Lan Zhan went forward and sat down next to him.

"Bad dream?" He asked, gently.

Lan Zhan wondered if it was okay to put his arm around the younger one.

Wei Ying wiped his eyes.

"It was just a stupid film...not even real..."

Heck with it, Lan Zhan decided. He drew him closer.

"It was real in your mind. Nothing to be ashamed of."

His deep voice was reassuring to a still trembling Wei Ying. He let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding onto. His face was tucked into the crook of Lan Zhan's neck, soaking in his warmth.

"Would you like some water?"


Lan Zhan didn't want to get up, because this was quite comfortable...sitting like this next to a soft Wei Ying...but he had just said yes to water...

He tried to move away, but Wei Ying tightened his hold on arms that had snaked around his waist.

"Don't go." He whispered.

"But...the water?" There was a smile in his voice. Wei Ying was cute...

"Five minutes? Please?"

"Mn." Lan Zhan settled back against the couch.

It was nice, sitting in the semi darkness, just breathing together. There was something magical in the early hours of the morning, a quiet peacefulness that existed nowhere else. There was the anticipation of the day to come, with the calmness of knowing that it wasn't immediate, to have the luxury of time.

Wei Ying stirred, putting his feet on the ground first. Silently, Lan Zhan led him to the kitchen and poured them a glass of water each. Wei Ying sleepily downed his, and then followed him to his room.

Lan Zhan stopped to look at him.

Wei Ying was wearing his red pyjamas with a black hoodie that had cat ears sticking up adorably on his hood. He was clutching a gift that Lan Zhan had got him ages ago; a black soft rabbit with a red ribbon around its neck.

"Can I sleep next to you? Promise I won't disturb you..." He said, quietly, but Lan Zhan could see the desperation in his silver eyes.

How could he say no?

But inside him, there were noises...

How would he be able to sleep with Wei Ying right next to him?

"Mn." He said, turning away to his side of the bed.

It was big enough to fit both of them, so that was okay. Lan Zhan got out an extra blanket and laid it out for him.

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