The Birds and the Bees

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XiChen knew something was...different about WangJi.

Definitely not visible to anyone else because his baby brother was becoming excellent at hiding how he was feeling, but then XiChen had brought him up; he could tell from just minute changes in WangJi's expressions exactly what he was thinking.

Hence his confusion, because whatever WangJi was going through now, was a first.

It had happened around the time the new students had arrived from the other sects, and in particular, the Jiang Sect from Yunmeng. He hadn't noticed it at first, but when Shifu had mentioned it, he began paying more attention to his younger brother.

WangJi seemed to stiffen, to walk a little straighter, hold his head up as if encyclopedias were stacked on his crown, and he held Bichen in a tighter clench. All of this would happen when the famously purple clad members would walk past, and one of them, Wei WuXian, wearing black and red when not studying, would catch his brother's eye.

WangJi was surreptitious about it too, which led XiChen to want to make sure before he did anything.

Wei WuXian was persistent, XiChen had to give him points for that at the very least. Most people, young and old, tended to keep out of Wangji's way, cautiously not wanting to invite trouble...but Wei WuXian was one half of a magnet, drawn to his other half even against his will.

And WangJi was having a hard time coming to terms with both how the boy kept vying for his attention, and his own blossoming feelings.

To XiChen, it looked like WangJi was infatuated with Wei WuXian.

And, while he didn't have a problem with it himself, he knew the time was rapidly approaching when he would have to have a certain talk with his baby brother.

Things came to a head when XiChen learned that Young Master Wei WuXian was punished to write out the rules of their clan three hundred times...and WangJi had to supervise.

WangJi looked happy about it too.

So one morning, XiChen walked to the Jingshi and knocked on the door. As expected,  WangJi, impeccably dressed and ready for the day, opened the door promptly. After bowing their greetings, they sat at the little table and WangJi poured tea for both of them.

XiChen glanced next to their cups, there were sheets of paper with a terrible scrawl of handwriting, which when he looked up to ask WangJi about, they were removed within a blink of an eye. And someone's ears were hot....

XiChen smiled, because it was cute...and now the reason he had come seemed correct and even more urgent. to start?

He couldn't just jump in and ask his normally ever so private brother if he liked anyone? Could he? It could go two ways, that approach. Either WangJi would shut him out, to embarrassed to listen to anything more, which would be detrimental to what XiChen wanted to do, or his baby brother might just open up and talk to him. It really was fifty-fifty.

WangJi looked to be in a pleasant mood, so that was something to be glad for.

There were times when, in the past, XiChen had happened to look up and see a flicker of his eyes, and WangJi would take a deep breath as if he was contemplating blasting the papers in his hands with spiritual energy to obliterate their existence. He had learned that this was a result of a particularly slow student's homework.

So XiChen knew it would be wise to take precautions.

"Did Xiongzhang want something?" WangJi asked, glancing at him and then staring at his own teacup.

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