The Language of Flowers Part 2

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Lan Zhan closed his eyes as the tiny silver bell rang, announcing his entrance. The wonderful scent of lilies and lotus flowers, hyacinth and sweet pea, roses and freesia coupled with the stocks...reminded him of that morning...and the beautiful man.

"Customer!" Someone called out.

"I know, I know! Jeez...oh my's you!" Wei Ying came and stood in front of Lan Zhan, mop still in hand.

Lan Zhan's eyes snapped open at the sound of that rich, chocolaty sound, mostly in disbelief. No way was this his man? Twice in one day?

The universe really did love him.

Very much so.

His ears were burning already as he drank in the sight of this amazing man...really, too gorgeous to be allowed outside...

Wei Ying was delighted to see him. Obviously, it was a sign, and there was no way he was letting him go without getting his number this time. His golden eyes were just so...mesmerising.

"Does he...actually want something?" Jiang Cheng scowled.

Wei Ying fell out of the pleasant dream, thinking that Lan Zhan looked so much better up close, but really, the man had no bad side. All of him was perfect. Especially those plump, pink lips...

"Er...can I help you?" Wei Ying stepped forward to ask.

The diamond in his nose twinkled dangerously, inviting Lan Zhan to also step closer. Yes of course you can help me, he thought, you can come and stay with me, and never leave...

"Flowers." Was all he ended up saying.

Wei Ying was nodding at him, expecting him to elaborate.

But Lan Zhan had finished speaking, allowing himself to look his fill at this perfect human being. Wei Ying really was beautiful.

"What kind?" Wei Ying was saying.

"Yes." Lan Zhan decided that was the correct response. His brain synapses had stopped functioning.

Wei Ying beamed at him.

Lan Zhan stopped breathing.

"Oookaay...why don't you tell me who it's for?" Wei Ying asked, raising a brow at Jiang Cheng who was cleaning their counters with a scowl on his face.


The smile vanished at that, and Lan Zhan desperately wanted it back.

"She's upset..." he ventured by way of an explanation.

There was a little relief in those beautiful silver eyes, but the wariness was still present.


Lan Zhan shrugged, not really bothered as to why she might be.

"Um..didn't you ask her?"

Lan Zhan was by now, feeling extremely light-headed, the strong floral scents getting to him.

"Brother said to buy flowers first. Then ask." Lan Zhan closed his eyes, trying to take a clean breath.

"Well, that's easy...hang on, are you alright?" Wei Ying touched his arm.

Lan Zhan held on tightly, trying to concentrate on a single breath, one after another.

"No...too much...smell..." he managed to get out, before feeling as if he was moving.

A warm arm came around his waist to support him, while Wei Ying spoke softly, muttering calming things, telling him he was going to be just fine.

He felt the change, a coolness in the air around himself, and then he was being guided to sit down on what felt like a stool. The air itself was fresh, the scent of all those flowers just a memory here, kept out by the door. The dim lighting also helped.

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