Cutting Measures Part 4

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Lan Zhan flipped a switch and the darkness transformed to beautiful white fairy lights that danced across the ceiling and the walls.

As Wei Ying's eyes adjusted to the semi brightness, he was astounded to see a pen like structure, more of a mini fence that held quite a few bunnies at bay. It stretched around the huge room with a square area sectioned off in the middle, upon which a tartan blanket was laid out next to a hamper.

He turned a playfully accusing glare towards his boyfriend.

"Lan've been holding out on me..." Wei Ying couldn’t wait for an answer.

Instead, he bounded towards the snow like rabbits, their fluffy tails like cotton balls of clouds as they snuffled towards him.

In the centre of the room, Lan Zhan had set up a proper picnic and he handed Wei Ying a few carrots and sweetcorn pieces to amuse himself and the bunnies, while he arranged everything else.

Fresh hay was already spread out for the cute little things, their pink noses twitching at the new foreign guest who was cooing and aahing just like their owner.

Lan Zhan watched his bunny playing with his bunnies and was startled to discover that instead of the ripe jealousy he was expecting to feel, there was only contentment. And a slow, warming happiness that spread out from the centre of his chest right down to his toes.

But he knew that Wei Ying probably hadn't eaten anything since his breakfast, and so Lan Zhan carefully climbed over the fence and picked up his boyfriend.

"Let's eat first, and then Wei Ying can play."

Wei Ying full of childish exuberance, flung his arms around Lan Zhan’s neck and placed an excited kiss against his lips.

"Lan Zhan...Lan've been a naughty boy!" He said, with complete seriousness. "Just how many rabbits have you got here? You were behaving as though you had never even seen a rabbit before at my place...when you have heaven right here, on your doorstep!"

Lan Zhan put him down on the blanket he had laid out and tied a piece of string to Wei Ying's hand.

"There are just over thirty. Wei Ying may pull whenever he is ready." Lan Zhan motioned to the string and handed him a plate piled with food. "And you can never have enough bunnies..."

"Is the place heated? Do you let them outside? What are their names? You have named them, right?" Wei Ying was full of questions but at least he took the time to finish chewing before asking more. He was starving!

Lan Zhan told him all of the rabbits names, and a little bit about them.

"The compound is called Cloud Recesses. White rabbits have been here since forever, and they are widely regarded as precious treasures to our family. This house used to belong to one of my ancestors. He lived here with his husband. Not much else is known about them." Lan Zhan bit into his sandwich.

Wei Ying waited until he finished chewing to press a chocolate covered strawberry to Lan Zhan’s lips, loving the way those soft pink lips wrapped around the berry, kissing his fingertips.

Wei Ying had been worrying about what Lan Zhan had said earlier and now he blurted it out.

"Did you mean it...Lan Zhan?" He asked softly, shuffling closer.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan was looking into silver eyes full of cautious hope.

He sat cross-legged and put his plate down. Then he picked up Wei Ying and settled him fully on his lap so that they were closer. His large warm palms stayed holding Wei Ying’s hips steady.

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