Cutting Measures Part 2

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Wei Ying was running late.

Lotus Silks usually closed at five thirty every evening, but not tonight.

And usually, if a customer overstayed past the time he would be normally closing, Wei Ying didn't mind, because it would be followed by a quiet night in, right upstairs. Maybe he would read a book or edit pictures for Instagram posts, ready to upload in the morning, or he would be tinkering with his inventions.

But tonight of all nights, he had a date.

The first date in maybe years, and he really didn't want to be late tonight.

When he had woken up in the morning, he had a near panic attack, because he and Lan Zhan had not exchanged numbers. How would Wei Ying know where and when to be waiting? Or what if, horror of horrors, he accidentally kept Lan Zhan waiting?

What if, disappointment spoiled their date and somehow, it got cancelled? Just because they had both forgotten this important thing?

And then the reason they had forgotten came to his mind, and Wei Ying was blushing at himself as he looked in the mirror after brushing his teeth.

That kiss was still making him tingle in all the right places, and Wei Ying was fast realising that he had never felt like this before.

Jiang Cheng had nagged him into going on a few dates in the past, all of them horrible failures for various reasons, but not once could he say any of them measured up to the finest specimen of a human being that had graced his presence last night.

Lan Zhan was hot like fresh pancakes drizzled with chocolate sauce, hot like brownies fresh out of the oven with a dollop of vanilla ice cream slowly melting over it. In that scenario, Wei Ying wanted to be the ice cream...

He had a feeling that Lan Zhan was like creme brulee...a hard exterior but once the top thin layer cracked, just a sweet soft interior was waiting to be tasted.

Wei Ying wouldn't mind tasting that dessert either...

He quickly showered, washed and dried his hair, twisting it up into a bun like normal but thinking about how he would like to style it later that evening. The buzzer downstairs rang, signalling the arrival of the postman, and Wei Ying thanked his lucky stars he was decent as he ran down the stairs.

It was not a postman.

It was a courier company.

He was handed a big brown box and made to sign on a dotted line, as the chap touched his cap and whistling to himself, strode away.

Wei Ying examined the box from all sides as he closed the front door with his backside, terribly intrigued at what this could be. There was nothing written on the outside at all, not even a return address, which was strange. Only a 'This way up' with an arrow, and 'fragile' next to it.

He took it straight upstairs, thinking if it was a bomb, then he had totally failed to protect himself or the building. Just to make sure, he gave the box a good, hard shake. There was no telltale ticking of a clock, but then he supposed terrorists were a lot smarter these days.

He put the box on his kitchen table, and went to fetch a knife. In the twenty seconds it took him to do so, his phone chimed in a constant stream of notifications...something which it never did. So Wei Ying put the knife down and picked up his phone instead.

It was a direct message on Instagram.

Wei Ying accidentally dropped his phone when he saw who it was. He was so spooked and panicking, that it fell under his table and Wei Ying was trying to retrieve it while the chimes continued.

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