Chocolate Wars

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It was a warm night for a chocolate heist.

"Why did I let you talk me into this again?" Jiang Cheng scowls at his brother.

"Because you know it's a great idea. Besides, have you seen what the younger Lan brother looks like? There's no way they make that chocolate by themselves. And with the upcoming Chocolate Creation Awards coming up, there's no way I'm losing to them!" Wei Ying says, adamantly.

"So let me get this straight, you're going in there and just asking them to show you?" Jiang Cheng looks incredulously back at him.

"What? There's no way they can resist this face!" Wei Ying grins cheekily at him, pointing at his own face.

Jiang Cheng shoves him out of pure irritation.

"Well, in case that doesn't work, I have disguises." Wei Ying pulls out two Groucho Marx masks, complete with hairy ostentatious eyebrows, round rimmed glasses and the biggest nose smack bang in the middle.

Jiang Cheng looks at him as if he is out of his mind.

"You know what? That's it! I'm out!" Jiang Cheng gets up out of the bushes they are currently crouched in, and walks away.

Wei Ying is stuck there, rubbing his nose and contemplating his life choices.

It seemed like a good idea when it first came to him.

Lotus Chocolates had been first a few times in the Chocolate Awards thing…but the last two times, Gusu Cloud Chocolate had won in a landslide victory…and Wei Ying just couldn't believe it.

How were they coming up with such fantastic ideas and then recreating them for thousands of dollars?

The competition was only a week away and Jiang Cheng knew what he was going to make for the company…but Wei Ying was still looking for inspiration.

He didn't even know why he was here, in the middle of the night, sitting in a deserted parking lot and staring at the closed doors of Gusu Cloud Chocolate emporium.

A shadow falls over him, and he looks up.

There's a hand extended towards him, and it's attached to the most gorgeous person Wei Ying has ever seen. He sees his own hand come up to clasp it, and then he's rising up automatically. He feels like this is happening to someone else.

"Good evening."

Omg…what a voice! It's warm and syrupy, and so, so deep.

How is it possible that he can sound even better than melted chocolate?

Wei Ying wants to swoon. He feels as if he's the one melting, into a sea of caramel coloured eyes. They're so warm and beautiful….and Wei Ying suddenly feels bad.

He had come here with nefarious intentions…sort of. Okay, they were kind of bad? But he was going to be honest about them….

"I'm Wei WuXian…but you can call me Wei Ying." He says, surprising himself. "And I'm from Lotus Chocolates." He is being completely transparent now, as a sort of penance. Hopefully, it will be a redeeming factor.

"I know." The man with the stunning golden eyes smiles. He's confident and a little bit smug.

He's slightly taller than Wei Ying…and that answer?

Wei Ying wasn't expecting it.

"Y-you do?" Wei Ying asks, a little bit dazed, because the gorgeous hunk is still holding his hand and now he thinks he's going to faint for real.

"Mn. Welcome to Gusu Cloud Chocolate emporium. Would you like a tour?" The stranger asks him, with an air of amusement.

Oh no…he's looking at the Groucho masks that have fallen to the side.

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