Masquerade of Hearts Part 6

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Lan Zhan began the long trek up the stairs, simultaneously overjoyed but he was also worried.

Wei Ying had left after their kiss, and Lan Zhan could only hope he was alright. In that instance, he wasn't sure which one of them initiated the kiss, he only knew he felt like he couldn't wait any longer. Not when his headband, the one that only belonged to Wei Ying was tangled up in his hands.

Maybe he should have controlled himself...but he had been waiting for so long already.

Now, as the final notes faded from their song, he heard a child's voice ask a muffled question. A-Yuan was awake...

Lan Zhan ran up the remaining steps, his long legs carrying him faster.

Wei Ying was sitting on his bed, and A-Yuan was sitting in his lap, holding his flute.

They looked so perfect together, like that time so many centuries ago, the picture in his mind like it had happened yesterday. The meal that his Wei Ying was going to treat him to, but they ended up running out of the the restaurant, and Lan Zhan had paid for it anyway. For those few moments, always treasured, was the memory of their son sitting on his father's lap like now.

"Baba...what's wrong?" A-Yuan was saying now.

He jumped out of Wei Ying's lap and ran to him. Lan Zhan crouched down to his height, and his son wiped away his tears. He hadn't even realised he was crying.

"Lan Zhan...are you alright?" Wei Ying came towards him.

XiChen had climbed up the stairs, hurrying after he had heard the child cry out. Now he took him from Lan Zhan.

"Come, A-Yuan, I have something to show you downstairs." He winked at Wei Ying and left.

Now it was just the two of them.

Lan Zhan stood up, wiping his still wet eyes.

Wei Ying was impossibly close now, worry in those bright silver eyes.

"Do you...can I..." He stopped, uncertainly. "Hug you?" He finished. "You might feel better..."

"Mn." Lan Zhan opened his arms.

Wei Ying fit inside them as if he was born to, his arms going around Lan Zhan's waist, clenching his pale blue sweater at his back, and holding on.

Lan Zhan let out a breath he hadn't been aware of keeping. His heart beats calmed as the softest lotus scent drifted over him.

"I'm sorry...for kissing you." He whispered.

"I'm...not." Wei Ying laughed softly. "Do you regret it?"

"Not at all." Lan Zhan replied straight away, firmly.

"That's alright, then." Wei Ying sighed, holding him tighter. "I was worried for a second, there."


"I think...I think I wanted to kiss you too." He laughed awkwardly. "I've only known you for a few days...but Lan Zhan...I really wish I was your Wei Ying."

Lan Zhan sucked in a breath.

"Mn. Wish are my Wei Ying. You are." He led him to the bed and they sat down.

Lan Zhan picked up the bamboo flute A-Yuan had been playing with. He handed it back to Wei Ying, with a sad smile on his face.

" for me."

Wei Ying blushed.

"I..I'm not very good, and I only know one tune...I think I told you that before."


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