The Curse Breaker Part 5

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XiChen is comparing every single frightening experience he's ever had (including night hunts) with this current one, and decides that no, nothing tops this.

They're sitting in a cold, large room.

Lan WangJi is sitting next to him, lost in his thoughts, ever since XiChen told him what Wei Ying had said. That's all well and good, him freaking out privately in the sanctuary of his mind, but out here, they are for sure, this society's pariahs.

They're on one side, facing a still-angry-but-not-livid Jiang Cheng, who quite frankly, is nowhere near as intimidating as his sister, Jiang YanLi who is watching them like a viper. It feels crazy to compare the two, since the eldest Jiang sibling used to be quite sweet natured.

Next to them is the spitting volcano doctor, Wen Qing, whose glares can melt ice caps, of which XiChen has no doubts. He's heard about her terrifying skills and knows, if she loses whatever patience she's holding onto, death is just one needle's throw away.

Her sweet brother, Wen Ning, is also angry with them, it seems, scowling at his shoes.

Song Lan and Xiao XingChen are watching them all, sitting on that side, with the air of referees about to watch a throw-down. Referees paid to look the other way...

XiChen has never felt so alone.

Also, the silence around them is of the awful type, like the too-quiet calm before a storm breaks out. The air crackles with tension, and XiChen doesn't want to be the first one to break this unspoken stalemate, but he can't stand this oppression, either.

There's a live debate going on in his head about whether or not he should say something, listing the pros and the cons of if they'll make it out of this room alive were he to open his mouth, but Lan Zhan takes the decision out of his hands by standing up.

Every eye in the room is trained upon the Second Jade, who calmly breaches the space in between both parties and kneels down before Wei Ying's family.

That they all are, is of no question since how much they are affronted and offended on Wei Ying's behalf is extremely obvious.

Lan Zhan stays where he is, letting his forehead ribbon touch the ground.

XiChen watches their eyes widen before they fortify themselves against any sympathy. No one bows like this any more, not unless they've committed an unforgivable crime, but then, XiChen knows how much his brother holds himself accountable.

None of the people facing them now know how much Lan Zhan has suffered, and is still suffering from his past mistake. Just the one, but it's huge.

"I am aware that the one I should be prostrating to is not here, but let this be the beginning of my penance." Lan Zhan's voice echoes in the emptiness of the room.

XiChen is quite sure that it was chosen on purpose for this very reason, to make them as uncomfortable as possible. There are no chairs or low tables, and only straw sitting mats. It's just as welcoming as the North Pole, and just as frigid from the temperature in the room. The waves of animosity coming from the six persons in front of them as a collective is truly formidable.

He watches as Jiang Cheng frowns and looks away, while Jiang YanLi stares back at Lan Zhan without blinking.

"Forgiveness has to be earned." Her voice is hard, the tone unyielding.

"I do not seek forgiveness. But I am sorry." Lan Zhan bows again.

"For fuck's sake!" Jiang Cheng mutters under his breath. "Why is he making us feel bad?"

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