The Flowers in Your Garden Part 8

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Bright and early, Lan Zhan woke Wei Ying up with a little difficulty, but once words like "exams" and "Uncle Qiren" were bandied about, a sleepy Wei Ying was soon sitting at the tiny table trying to keep his eyes open.

Three times already, his head had rolled onto Lan Zhan’s shoulder and he'd jerked awake, apologizing profusely, but then it kept happening. Lan Zhan figured out early that if he kept spoon feeding him slowly, Wei Ying could actually eat with his eyes closed. Luckily, it was a simple congee for breakfast.

He was so adorable too!

Lan Zhan stared in wonder at this precious soul, eyes closed, and long beautiful eyelashes resting on the curve of his sleep-flushed cheeks tinged with pink, and fell in love with him just a little bit more.

Mornings in the mountains of Gusu were still a little chilly despite the scorching sun at midday, and Wei Ying was shivering as they walked to the Great Hall where the exams were taking place.

Lan Zhan noticed and took off his own cloak, wrapping it around Wei Ying's shoulders and tying it under his chin, before patting his head and continuing to walk ahead.

Wei Ying was still blushing sweetly when he spotted a cluster of blue hyacinth flowers at the base of a willow tree, and impulsively, he decided to pick a bunch for Lan Zhan.

He deftly wove their pliant stalks into a plait around their middle after not finding anything to tie them up with, and he ran up to Lan Zhan eagerly and stopped in his path.

Of course, Lan Zhan had to stop. He raised a brow at the mischievous looking man.

"Wei Ying...we are going to be late." He said, firmly.

"Oh...come now, Lan Er-Gege...if we do not take the time to appreciate these beauties, then they will have bloomed for nothing...right?" Wei Ying thrust the bunch of flowers under Lan Zhan's nose from behind his back.

Lan Zhan just stopped to look at this beautiful man, his silver eyes so bright with joy. And the longer he waited not taking the flowers, the rosier the blush deepened on his cheeks.

Wei Ying was beautiful to look at.

So he wrapped his long fingers gently covering Wei Ying's ones that were already gripping the flowers, and stepped into his space, holding him firmly there.

Wei Ying swallowed hard at the intense look in his golden eyes and closed his own after it got too much to take.

Warm lips kissed his forehead fondly before Lan Zhan took a deep breath of the heavily scented blooms.

"Thank you." His deep voice whispered next to Wei Ying's ears.

Wei Ying shivered, this time not from the cold.

Lan Zhan took his hand and they walked on at a brisk pace.

Uncle Qiren was waiting for all the students to arrive, and he nodded at his nephew when he saw them enter. Lan Zhan had always sat at the front in every exam, but now, he looked over to Wei Ying.

"Does Wei Ying have a preference?"

Wei Ying was once again caught inside a golden fire, as Lan Zhan stared at him, waiting for a reply.

He shook his head shyly.

"As long as I am next to you, I don't care where we sit." He sidled up to Lan Zhan when Uncle Qiren’s attention was drawn away by something else. "Lan Er-Gege." Wei Ying whispered seductively, looking up at him.

Lan Zhan wanted to bite him.

But Uncle Qiren was staring at them again, no doubt wondering why they were still standing there, and why on earth Lan Zhan’s ears were so red.

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