Angel of Death Part 1

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The Lord and Master of The Universe was concerned.

He had created his masterpiece in the hopes that human beings would learn to better themselves, become better at being human...and yet they seemed to be the only species hell-bent on going the wrong way.

He smiled at his own pun.

In front of him was a Wronged Soul.

This person had done many things with the right intentions, only for selfish people to vilify his deeds, and then out of desperation, he had killed himself. But the Lord and Master had seen a spark, somewhere deep within...and he wished for that spark to grow.

Wei Ying, title Wei WuXian, had retained his memories, unwilling to drink the Tea of  Oblivion. He had asked the Lord and Master if there was another job for him...and of course there was.

Soul Collecting.

It was a hard job, and required whoever was doing it to harden their hearts, and complete the task. It was a necessary part of the way the Universe worked...only recently, whomever the honour went to was giving up. The Lord and Master had many such servants only too willing to do his bidding, but he was interested in Wei Ying.

Wei Ying needed to heal...needed to find himself somewhere in amongst all that sorrow...and the solution had just presented itself.

The recently retired Angel of Death was heart broken because he had to collect the Soul of a woman leaving two young children behind. The Angel had watched as the Soul refused to leave, but there was nothing anyone could do about it.

When your time was up, it was up.

Her youngest child was still in mourning, and for one so was heartbreaking.

This Universe could be unrelenting in its lessons, harsh and cold, yet Earth was the only place where second chances could be found. Perhaps redemption could be discovered in the most unusual of places after all.

"You are to collect the Soul of Lan WangJi, Lan Zhan of the Lan Clan. First, go and report." The Lord and Master smiled to himself as Wei Ying bowed and left.


Wei Ying didn't want to feel anything anymore.

It was best, under the circumstances, and given his new job. He had been doing it for around two hundred Earth years now, and steadily begun to hold a sort of ambivalence in his heart for everything that he saw.

Human beings were actually terrible people.

Too involved within their own personal gain and loss, it prevented them from cultivating compassion. Kindness was a stranger and this was the saddest thing. Wei Ying could do his job easily because of this.

He did not have to feel compassion for those not worthy of it, nor those who had forgotten it existed, and therefore, he was exceptional at his job.

In and out, Wei Ying had developed a reputation for getting the job done.

Now, on his way to Gusu, he found himself admiring the silently falling snow, the depth of the dark midnight sky and the hush of the wind as it kissed his face. All around lay the contrast of white frost and snow, against the deepening night.

He was wearing his cloak of Invisibility, the one that allowed him to pass unseen between potential candidates, ones he had orders to collect, or would be in the future.

Wei Ying was particularly good at multiple collections, having mastered the use of Chenqing, his black as Death flute. It sang encouragingly, its song one that helped Souls separate from their bodies. Wei Ying had thought about this when he had first encountered a war.

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