Will to Love Part 4

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A week had passed since Wei Ying's arrival in hospital and the day had come for him to be discharged.

Every day he had been examined by XiChen, who when Wei Ying had first discovered who he was, had been shocked at the resemblance between the brothers. Now he was sitting on the edge of his bed, doing up his pyjama top after being examined.

"You'll need to get the wound dressed for at least a few more weeks." XiChen was telling him.

"I can help with that." Lan Zhan replied, re-entering the room. He had just come from dumping his clothes in his car. He shuddered at the memory, and forced himself to forget it.

"He'll also need help to shower." XiChen was looking at Wei Ying's chart and do missed the reddening of a certain pair of ears.

"Can also help with that." Lan Zhan muttered, this time his golden gaze had pinned Wei Ying.

And Wei Ying let himself blush the colour of a beetroot, wisely remaining silent.

A-Yuan and Wen Qing were colouring on the low table, and Wen Qing had already expressed a desire to return to her work.

"Are you going back to work, A-Xian?" XiChen asked, scratching his chin.

"No...not after that. I don't think I can look Wen Chao in the face..." Wei Ying admitted, soberly.

"Ah...that's good news." XiChen exclaimed, rather too excitedly.

Lan Zhan narrowed his eyes at his brother, wondering what he was up to.

XiChen shook his head minutely, not wanting to say anything else.

Well, two could play at that...

"Xiongzhang, can we swap cars? We are four and Wei Ying's things...won't fit in mine." Lan Zhan tossed his keys towards his brother and caught the ones his brother threw back. "There might be a bit of laundry to do, too." He grinned, shamelessly.

"That's okay, Didi. I'll sort that out for you." XiChen beamed back at him, totally unaware of what he was getting himself into.

"I'll go get the car." Lan Zhan went to Wei Ying and took his hands, squeezing them gently. He leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "I'll be back in five."

Wei Ying watched him go, a wistful look on his face.

"You really like my brother, huh?" XiChen murmured, taking in all the nuances on his face.

Wei Ying blushed.

"So what if he does?" Wen Qing spoke up, standing between Wei Ying and XiChen, suddenly.

"Er...A-Qing...XiChen-Ge means well..." Wei Ying stood up to place his hand on her shoulder, which she shrugged off immediately, glaring at him to shut up.

Then she turned that glare onto XiChen.

"I asked you a question." She enunciated.

XiChen was quite sure he had asked the question, but Wen Qing was looking far too scary to argue with.

"That's good, that's all I was saying." He replied, taking a step back. "My brother is besotted with you, and I just hoped it was reciprocated, that's all." His voice was getting quieter and quieter. "Anyway, here are your papers, and if there's anything else, you know where to find me."

XiChen fled.

Wen Qing snickered.

Lan Zhan came back with a wheelchair, and he was given an approving look.

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