Masquerade of Hearts Part 5

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Lan Zhan was out of his bed and bursting into Wei Ying's room in seconds, turning on the light. Wei Ying was thrashing on the bed, his eyes still closed and another scream ripped out from his throat.

Lan Zhan ran to his side, and tried to wake him, shaking him gently. It took a while but he awoke, trembling, drenched in sweat. Whatever he had seen in his dreams made him cry out, and Lan Zhan stiffened when Wei Ying threw his arms around him, sobbing into his neck.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw two figures and waved away his brother and Nie MingJue, both who had come to see if they could help.

But holding Wei Ying like this, so close to his heart, he was suddenly very aware of something special...something he had not felt in two thousand years. This Wei Ying was different, because his body was like the first ever Wei Ying he had known.

This body had a golden core.

This body...this Wei Ying could cultivate...and if he was successful, he could cultivate to immortality, like Lan Zhan had.

Lan Zhan...was so shocked, he hadn't realised Wei Ying had stopped crying.

"Is...Wei Ying...alright?" He asked.


"Does Wei Ying want to talk about it?"

"I don't want to scare you." Wei Ying was still trembling, but he moved away.

Lan Zhan hated that. He watched as Wei Ying tried to pour himself a glass of water from the nightstand, but his hand was shaking too much. Lan Zhan took over, holding the glass to his lips.

Three sips later, Wei Ying took the glass from him and put it on the side.

"I'm sorry for waking you. And your shirt..." He grabbed a bunch of tissues and tried to dry Lan Zhan's chest.

Lan Zhan took hold of his hand, stopping him from continuing.

"If Wei Ying suffers this much...what about the sleeping pills?"

"I don't like taking them." Wei Ying admitted. He tried to take his hand away, but it was Lan Zhan's now.


"Because then, the next day, I feel terrible. All groggy and sleepy and then I can't sleep during the night. It's a vicious cycle." He looked so miserable.

Lan Zhan pulled him into another hug, still keeping a hold of his hand. He waited until Wei Ying's arms came around his waist loosely. They stayed like that for a few minutes.

Wei Ying could hear the beating of Lan Zhan's heart right next to his ear. It was soothing, its steady thump-thump lulling him into sleep. And now a warm hand was rubbing slow circles on his back, the movement comforting and nice.

"Lan Zhan?" He slurred, soothed by the motion.


"What are we doing?" His eyes were closed almost all the way now.

"Sleeping." Lan Zhan answered him.

He lay Wei Ying down gently, covering him in his blanket. There was a cloud whine of protest before he fell back to sleep. Now, Lan Zhan tested out his theory. He began transferring spiritual energy, directly into a Wei Ying's core, a satisfaction spreading through his own chest at this marvellous discovery. He couldn't wait to tell his brother the wonderful news.


In the morning, Wei Ying woke to a pounding headache. He wanted water, and was grateful to the Heavens for the painkillers next to his glass. He waited for another hour before daring to rise, wanting to let his eyes get accustomed to the bright light of day. He showered and changed, and then went downstairs for breakfast. It was past midmorning now and he was the only one there. There was a note next to his tray, held down by the pepper shaker.

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