A Stitch in Time Part 6

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Finding a cab in New York City after midnight was actually easier than Lan Zhan thought, but he could not stop worrying about Wei Ying. He felt terrible that he had not been able to get in touch with him all day, despite the fact that Wei Ying had already sent him gifs and emojis to cheer him on.

But the truth was, there was no signal in the basement, and Lan Zhan wasn't sure when he would get the chance again to go looking for Wei Ying's laptop. His own was lying in his lap, and now he was thinking up other excuses to be able to search for it tomorrow...which was technically today.

He tried ringing Wei Ying's cell phone again but it was no use; either he was asleep or he was upset. Lan Zhan desperately hoped it was the former.

The cab pulled up outside Wing Fabrics, and the shutters were all the way down.

Now what?

Lan Zhan hadn't thought this far ahead. He did not have a key, something which would have to be rectified later today, and after trying the buzzer several times without success, he sat down on the step, dejected.

Wei Ying was definitely mad at him. And Wen Qing...Lan Zhan did not want to face her at all...


Wen Qing had an early start. The bride from the previous day was coming to pick up her now fixed wedding dress at six am, and Wen Qing wanted to make sure everything was ready. She was running to the shop, trying not to slip on the ice that had formed from the melting snow, and also trying not to curse because of this, when she nearly had a heart attack.

There was someone sitting on their doorstep. All she could see was a shadowy person with black hair, hunched in on himself.

She looked around, hoping to ask someone for help, but the street was deserted and who was she kidding anyway? This was New York...people would sooner mind their own business than interfere with something that could backfire.

But as she got closer, she recognised the white coat and expensive shoes, neither practical for surviving the winter in New York City.

Why was Lan Zhan outside?

Where was Wei Ying?

Why were they both so stupid?

She marched up to him, fulling intending to kick him awake, when something inside her stopped herself.

This man had probably reached here too late, and Wei Ying was probably asleep, unless they had a fight. Which seemed highly unlikely...but stranger things had happened in these last few days. And if he had fallen asleep here, waiting, that at least said something about his commitment to Wei Ying, because he could have turned around and gone home. His home...not this one.

So she crouched down and gently shook him awake.

"Wei Ying!" He cried out, startled from his sleep, and then he rubbed his eyes, and then shrank back because this was Wen Qing.

"Relax, I won't bite." She told him, helping him up. "Did you two fight? And just know, if the answer is yes, I will throw those scissors at you."

Lan Zhan didn't answer her though, looking more and more miserable. She stared at him for a moment and shook her head. Raising the shutters because she was running out of time now; her client was going to be here soon and she had to get a move on, she turned the key and opened the door.

"Here, I'll let you in, and then do my stuff." She told him as they ran up the stairs.

Wen Qing unlocked that door as well, following Lan Zhan in. The whole apartment was dark, and Lan Zhan could feel that Wei Ying wasn't there, but he three quick strides later and he was returning from the bedroom.

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