Love Letters Part 4

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Lan Zhan picked up a sleeping Wei Ying from his desk, careful not to wake him. He had fallen asleep there for the third night in a row, and Lan Zhan was really worried about him now.

Holding him close to his chest, he realised that the young man had lost weight, at least it appeared to be so, or else Lan Zhan was stronger than he thought.

He looked at the pile of letters and spotted his own one near the bottom, and knew that Wei Ying had yet to finish those, plus the new ones that were sure to turn up in their cubby hole downstairs...which led to the question, what exactly was Wei Ying working on? What was holding him back from working on what his editor wanted him to do?

Lan Zhan also felt a little guilty.

Wasn't he adding to Wei Ying’s workload? He had already written three notes, and even if it took him five minutes to read and reply, that meant those three letters had taken fifteen minutes away from Wei Ying and his work, his actual work that he was being paid to do.

It was already past five in the morning, so there would be no more sleeping for Lan Zhan. He decided that Wei Ying would be far more comfortable in his bed than his own; Wei Ying’s room was still resembling a bomb blast/natural disaster and Lan Zhan remembered the first ever time he had gone into his room.

Wei Ying had smiled at him in a totally threatening way and forbidden him to ever touch anything in it ever again.

Barely banked silver fire had blazed in those deep eyes, and the agitated running of his hands through his hair had loosened the ponytail so all the wild and beautiful hair was like a halo around this dark angel.

Perhaps that, that was the moment Lan Zhan had fallen in love with him. Freefalling off a cliff, with no parachute.

That was what it had felt like.

He was still falling.

Rest would do Wei Ying so much good, Lan Zhan decided not to wake him up at the usual time, letting him sleep in.

Instead, he modified their breakfast to be a sort of brunch, a mix of breakfast foods with a spice kick and hoped Wei Ying would enjoy his new creation.

Wei Ying woke up six hours later. He padded around their apartment, stopping just in front of Lan Zhan, who was sitting on their couch. Wei Ying stretched up high, his eyes still closed, but his pyjama top slid up, revealing an inch of flesh and his belly button.

Right in front of Lan Zhan's face.

Lan Zhan wanted to take him right then and then. He imagined putting his lips on that warm skin, and a shudder rippled through him.

He sat on his hands and leaned as far back as he could.

Wei Ying scrubbed his face and plonked himself right next to the hyper aware Lan Zhan. It didn't help that Wei Ying had his hoodie on from before, the one with the cat ears. And he was still dozing. His head slid towards Lan Zhan's shoulders and rested there.

Well now, Lan Zhan couldn’t move either. The delightful scent of lotus flowers snuck through his defences, tightening his trousers. He had always loved the way Wei Ying smelled. Delicate and light, yet curiously sweet. It was a heady combination, coupled with Wei Ying’s exuberant personality and who could blame him for falling so hard? Not to mention the fact that Wei Ying looked amazing in whatever he wore.

Lan Zhan was no longer going to deny it now, not to himself.

He had fallen head over heels for this man.

He wondered if Wei Ying liked flowers...he hadn't ever asked him.

"Favourite flower?" He whispered, turning his face slightly.

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