Chapter 115

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A/N: I actually wasn't planning to update this book, but after seeing the spoilers for 243, I just lost it. Like I literally don't know what to feel, I am so confused, angry, and happy at the same time like bruh...... Anyway, I actually already have an ending planned out, I just hope it would fit with how TR would end... *crosses fingers*

This chapter mentions some spoilers from 243.

Chapter 115: 

"So now that you're in Thousand Winters, then that means Dollars will merge with us, right?" Chifuyu asked excitedly, 

"If you keep that stupid name and stupid uniform then no," I told him, he was visibly offended with what I said but I don't really care, Thousand Winters is a stupid name, the logo is stupid as well, and the uniform is garbage.

"Takemichi, I take it back! I don't want her in our gang!" Chifuyu yelled at Takemichi who just chuckled awkwardly at our banter.


Senju's story got me thinking about Mikey, 

Then I remembered the time Baji had to gas up Mikey's street hawk but was caught up with that stupid mermaid gang, is that why Baji was so overprotective with Mikey's hawk? Because he knew how Mikey would react about something precious to him getting wrecked?

I never really gave it much thought, I thought Baji just didn't want Mikey to be upset.

I wonder what were Baji's thoughts about this, 

Maybe he has mentioned it to Kazutora,

With that, I decided to pay Kazutora a visit. I went straight to juvie after talking to Chifuyu and the rest. 

"Kazutora, long time no see," I told Kazutora who was confused, of course, he didn't recognize me. I'm actually surprised the police hasn't recognized me either, maybe that's how stupid the police force in Shibuya is.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" He asked confused, 

"I'm Keisuke's childhood friend, I've come to ask a few questions about Keisuke." I told him, "Has Keisuke ever mentioned anything about Mikey getting mad before?" I asked him, he just gave me a questioning look,

"I'm not going to answer anything about Baji until I know who you are," He said cautiously, I can't blame him so as soon he the police officer wasn't paying attention, I told him who I really was.

"I'm Akaza," I told him, his eyes grew wide but he didn't believe me at first, I then covered my blind eye and semi-styled my hair into something similar to my old hairstyle, though it was short he seemed to see the resemblance.

"No way!" He said, he even stood up in shock after realizing who I was.

"It's a long story, I just need to know if you knew anything about how Keisuke and Mikey were when they were kids, has he told you anything?" I asked him,

"Shouldn't you be the one who should know, you grew up with them," He told me,

"I just found out they hid something important from me, so I needed to know if Keisuke has said anything," I told him, "I'm starting to think everything that is happening right now is because of me, it was my fault, I always thought Mikey's anger was because of what happened to Shinichiro, but it seems like that wasn't the trigger,"

"Baji hasn't said anything about when Mikey and he were kids," Kazutora answered, "All he ever mentioned was Mikey can be a little over-protective,"

"I see," I mumbled, "Anyway, How did you know Shinichiro-kun had a babu? His shop was way out of your route," I asked confused, 

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