Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

It's been a week since the battle of 8/3, Draken is recovering quite well, too well. He's been nagging about how I run Toman with Mikey while he was away resting.

"You idiot! Why did you ask the 4th division to handle the 5th district! Mucho should have handled that!" Draken was yelling at me. I got ticked off as well.

"Mucho was out of town during the weekend and Smiley and Angry were in the area!" I answered back.

"That is why we have a vice-captain!" Draken rebutted "You don't send other divisions to take of things outside their district!" 

"Sanzu creeps the shit out of me" I huffed.

"I shouldn't have left you in charge" He muttered under his breath

"I was originally vice-president, for your information!" I rolled my eyes at Draken.

"And now you see why you didn't deserve to be vice-president in the first place!" Draken said pissed. I was a little offended so I took a really long deep breath to calm down and think of an answer.

during our exchanging opinions, it seemed to have pissed Mikey off. He was sleeping when we were arguing so our yelling at each other's faces must have woken him up, he got up from the sofa and stomped his way towards us.

"Can you two not fight for at least five minutes and let me sleep!" Mikey said pissed.

"Whatever, I don't care" I said annoyed, and walked out of Draken's hospital room and headed to the rooftop to get some fresh air.

Draken and I argued a lot but I always ended up losing the argument because I was a sore loser. 

"Aka-chin?" Mikey said as he arrived on the rooftop with me "don't hold it against Ken-chin, he just hates losing and I know you do too"

"Maybe I really didn't deserve to be vice-president of Toman, Pah said that I shouldn't be vice because I'm a girl but thinking about it, I probably did make a bad decision," I told Mikey as I smiled sadly "Draken was right"

"To me, it doesn't matter if it's a bad decision, as long as it gets the job done, that's all that matters," Mikey told me. "I'm sure Mucho would understand besides, I don't blame you, Sanzu is weird" he joked, I couldn't help but chuckle. Mikey always knows how to make me feel better.


Mikey and I just stayed on the rooftop that morning and talked. We haven't had a casual conversation like this in a really long time, it was really refreshing.

"You know what bothers me?" Mikey started off "How did Takemichi know Ken-chin was going to be attacked and he was so desperate to stop it'

"I mean if you connect the dots, Draken was the one who didn't want Pah to be bailed, and Draken was the one who kicked Kiyomasa. I'm pretty sure Kiyomasa isn't stupid enough to go after you" I told Mikey "But then again, it is weird" 

"It's weird isn't it," He mumbled.

"But you know what, he's going to be one hell of a delinquent in the future," I told Mikey who smiled and agreed "Not as good as Shinichiro-kun though"

"You got that right!" Mikey laughed "So are you finally over Shinichiro?"

"I don't think I'll ever forget Shinichiro-kun, but I stopped looking for him, that's a start" I said proudly of myself "I should start dating" I joked but Mikey didn't seem to like my joke.

"You're not allowed to date anyone!" Mikey huffed like a child "You're too young to date!"

"What are you, my father?" I asked taken aback by his sudden outburst 

"I don't want you seeing other guys, I want you here with me" He muttered lowly, I was confused.

"You're right, it probably wouldn't work out anyway" I answered "Who would date a girl delinquent anyway?"

"Who wouldn't?" He answered with a smile. He really knows what to say to me to make me feel better.


We continued to rest on the rooftop, I was sitting down and Mikey was laying his head on my lap as I stroke his hair to help him relax. suddenly Takemichi came up to us wearing a really stupid outfit.

"Mikey-kun, Akaza-chan" Takemichi called out to us.

"This doesn't feel right" Mikey muttered then stood up, confusing Takemichi "I can't shake off this weird feeling in my head. Why did Hanma try to start an infight within Toman? Why did he try to kill Ken-chin using Kiyomasa and his group? But the biggest mystery, you knew about the infight and that Ken-chin would be targeted before anyone else, and you tried to stop both from happening"

Takemichi was taken aback.

"Takemitchy, just what are you?" Mikey asked with a serious look on his face.

"I'm--" Takemichi hesitated to answer, kinda' sus if you ask me. Mikey seemed to notice the hesitation in Takemichi's reply and decided not to pry on it anymore.

"What's with that lame outfit?" Mikey chuckled changing the subject.

"Eh?" Takemichi asked confused

"Well, you always looked lame to me" Mikey added.

"Well, this is just--" Takemichi tried to answer but he was panicking.

"Someone's head is getting a little too big" I joked.

"Well, whatever! Ken-chin is saved thanks to you" Mikey then extended his hand out for Takemichi to shake "Thank you, Takemitchy" Takemichi then extended his hand out and shook Mikey's hand.

Mikey and I decided to head home after a day of staying in Draken's hospital room. I mostly stayed on the rooftop because I was still upset with Draken.

It was already like 9 PM, there were barely any people in our neighborhood as we were walking on our way home.

"Want to spend the night at my place?" Mikey offered out of nowhere. "We could play video games all night, like when we were kids"

"That sounds good," I replied.

We then headed to Mikey's place, I took off my shoes and placed my bag on his couch. 

"Here," He handed me some of his clothes I could change into. I headed to the bathroom to change and got out, Mikey was setting up his video game. It reminded me how fun it was when we were kids.

"Where's Emma?" I asked since I haven't seen her at all since we've arrived.

"She's at a friend's house, Grandpa is in Roppongi"  Mikey informed me as he inserted a game on his console and tossed me on of his controller. 

So we were alone.

I sat down on the couch and he sat down next to me, getting ready to start the game.

"No one is around? don't do anything fishy while I'm sleeping" I joked at Mikey who raised an eyebrow at me.

he suddenly pushed me down the couch and was hovering on top of me, I was flustered and didn't know how to react.

"Then how about while you're awake?" He asked with a serious look on his face.

"What?" I asked confused, I was blushing the deepest shade of red as Mikey slowly got closer towards me, closing the gap between his lip and mine.

But right before our lips could touch, he stopped then kissed me on my forehead.

"I remember the last time you turned that red, you fainted" He laughed as he was getting off of me.

I got annoyed and sat up and pulled Mikey into a kiss.

He was completely dumbfounded, that was the first time I've seen him completely confused. It was so funny.

"You think I can't play this game, Manjiro?" I cockily told him. He just sat there frozen. "You can sleep on the couch, I'm taking your bed, good night!" I said as I patted him on the head and headed to his bed. 

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