Chapter 89

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Chapter 89:

"Are you trying to interfere with the deities?" South asked Takemichi, completely pissed off with his answer "A small fry like you? Are you insane?" He asked then was about to punch Takemichi.

I dashed in and blocked his punch with my arm.

"Yoru! Don't interfere! Can't you see what he's trying to do?" South asked me, I just chuckled at South.

"Don't underestimate Hanagaki," I told him then roundhouse kicked him in the head, but he managed to block it. "Hanagaki is stronger than any of us deities, he's just as strong as Sano Shinichiro" I told him, that seemed to piss him off even more.

He was about to hit me when Takemichi came in front of me and tried to take the hit for me but Draken came out of nowhere and uppercut South. South got knocked back a few meters with Draken's punch.

Eh? Why did these two protect me?

"What?" I muttered in shock, "What are you doing?" I asked Takemichi and Draken,

"I don't know, you kind of reminded me of Akaza-chan, my body moved on its own" Takemichi said, rubbing his neck and with an awkward chuckle.

"Me too, you are the enemy but something about you kind of felt like we can't let you get hurt," Draken told me, "You're just like our friend, really troublesome"

I was on the verge of tears, 

"Come on, let's begin round two!" Draken told South, 

"The cops?" Takemichi said as we heard sirens drawing near us. The police were on the way, we have to get out of here.

"Let's settle this some other time, Draken," South told Draken.

"South! I have left the old me in Tokyo Manji Gang" Draken said, "I'll never join Rokuhara Tandai!" he told South but South did not respond.

"We're leaving!" I told my gang who all nodded in response, I noticed Akashi telling Draken something, do they know each other personally? That's odd. 

"We're leaving too!" Akashi told Brahman,

I was keeping an eye on the two as I placed my mask on when I felt a piercing pain in my lower back.


I turned my head to where the pain was and saw myself bleeding.

I got stabbed?!

I turned my head and saw a familiar face, smirking at me.

"Kiyomasa?" I was dumbfounded seeing him in a Rokuhara Tandai uniform, I then started coughing up blood. I didn't expect Kiyomasa to join Rokuhara, I then saw him being patted on the back by Madarame.

"Good job, Kiyomasa, you'll definitely end in a higher position in Rokuhara Tandai now" I heard Madarame say to Kiyomasa.

He knew I'd be distracted when the cops will arrive and took the opportunity to use one of their members to get rid of me.

Cheap move.

"Yoru-san!" I heard Ryuuji yell and quickly running to my aid. "Who did this?" Draken, Takemichi, and the rest of Brahman turned to me and saw my condition, Draken quickly ran to check up on me.

"Haru!" Draken yelled completely shocked.

"I'm fine, Draken you have to leave, the cops are coming," I told him then coughed up blood again, 

"You're definitely not fine!" Draken told me, "Inupi, get the bike!" he called out to Inui.

"We'll get her to the hospital, you better go," Ryuuji said as he picked me up and carried me bridal style, leaving Draken confused.

I was then rush to the hospital


[Draken's POV]

I was confused with what Ryuuji said,

Did he just say 'her'? 

Is Ishikawa Haru AKA Dollars' unrivaled Yoru a girl? The king of all deities is a girl? 

I have no problem with Yoru being a girl, I mean Senju is a girl but things are getting pretty odd here.

She has a resemblance to Akaza, she fights like Akaza, she fixes bikes like Akaza. Is Yoru really Akaza? But the police have confirmed her dead! Even her parents told us she died.

2 years ago...

I just told Mikey the news about Akaza's death, he was stunned, his face became pale and the light in his eyes just vanished.

She broke up with him but Mikey was still waiting for her to come back, but that's not going to happen anymore, ever.

Inumaki Akaza is dead.

We can't do anything about it.

As Mikey was standing, completely dumbfounded with the situation, we heard a loud knock outside of Mikey's room.

I approached the door, twisted the doorknob, and opened it to see who it was, it was Akaza's parents.

I was surprised and worried to see them, they looked completely mad and devasted.

"Manjiro!" her father yelled at Mikey, "Where were you? How could you let this happen"

Mikey did not respond. He grabbed Mikey by the collar and punched him in the face. Mikey still didn't do anything.

A full-fledged adult and a yakuza executive was beating up a 16-year-old kid, I just stood there and watched, I didn't know how to react.

"Anata! Stop!" Akaza's mother held Akaza's father, trying to stop him from hurting Mikey. "It's not his fault!"

"How could it not be his fault? We left Akaza her, they said they'll look after here!" He said as he started breaking down, "You promised you'll take care and look after her, where were you when this happened to her?"

Mikey still didn't answer.

"She must be so scared, and was completely in pain when it happened," He said as he continued to sob, "She suffered so much and we couldn't do anything about it!"

This circled on for about 15 minutes, the crying the blaming, everything. Akaza's father left after.

"I'm sorry for this, please understand she was his princess," Akaza's mother told Mikey who still wasn't reacting. "Deep down he knew it was our fault, we neglected our daughter, he just couldn't accept that fact yet, I'm really sorry Manjiro, if there's anything you need, please tell me"

A few days later...

It was after Akaza's funeral, that was the first time I ever saw Mikey breakdown. It happened in Ikebukuro, we were in the Inumaki household where the memorial ceremony took place.

Mikey left a little bit earlier than the rest, after the ceremony was over I saw him in an alley nearby breaking down, crying.

You could see it in his eyes the regret, the pain, the devastation. 

He loved her dearly with all his heart.

But she's gone, she's never coming back to him. 

End of Flashback...

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