Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

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Chapter 12:

"That was hilarious" Mikey said as he continue to laugh at Takemichi's hair accessory. We were at a nearby park with Takemichi's friends, they were playing soccer while Mikey, Draken, Takemichi and I were sitting down at a gazebo talking.

"Gross" Draken told Takemichi

"I already washed my hair, okay?" Takemichi sighed "So what were you arguing about anyways?"

"I forgot" Mikey and Draken answered at the same time.

Their fight wasn't just some kid's fight, they were fighting about Pah's future and integrity. Mikey wanted to bail Pah from prison because Pah is one of the founding members and their closest friend, while Draken wanted to respect and honor Pah's decision of turning himself in. As the founding members of Toman and as each other's closest friends, we were in a very difficult situation.

"Ken-chin was right though, Pah turned himself in" Mikey admitted, but knowing him, deep down I know he still wanted Pah to be free. "Let's celebrate big when Pah gets out" He smiled at us, Draken and I smiled back and nodded in response.

"I'm happy you two made up, it was too hard sneaking off to meet Draken" I said mindlessly.

"You've been sneaking off to meet Ken-chin?" He asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone. I let out an awkward laugh and quickly ran to Takemichi's friends.

"Hey! Let me join in!" I yelled at the red haired guy, I think Takemichi called him 'Akkun' or something.

"I'll join too" Mikey said following behind me, Draken followed after us.

"Are you sure?" Akkun asked surprised to see the leaders of Tokyo Manji Gang being buds with them.

Hina and Emma came a few minutes later, but I didn't bother to listen about their conversation with Takemichi. I couldn't care less really.


The Musashi Festival was tonight, I heard Emma asked Draken to go with her, I hope there would be progress with them.

I'm rooting for you Emma!

I'm somehow jealous that she gets to go to the festival with someone, while I'm stuck at home. I was playing video games in my computer when I heard my phone rang. I didn't bother to check the caller's ID and just answered as I was too focused on my game.

"Hello?" I asked as I continued to play my game.

"Aka-chin, are you busy tonight?" Mikey asked from the other line.

"Depends if I finished this game by then" I said mindlessly, my attention was purely on the game and not with Mikey. "Why what's up?

"Do you want to go to the festival with me?" He asked, I stopped for a moment and I could feel my cheeks heat up. I died in the game too btw.

Like a date?

"Hello? Are you still there?" Mikey asked, i snapped out of my trance and nervously answered.

"Y-Yeah, sure" I said.

Real smooth, Akaza~

"I'll be there in an hour" He said then the call was cut off. Ah I shouldn't think too much about this, Mikey and I are bestfriends, we've been to festivals together when we were kids, with that being said, I didn't bother to dress up and just wore my everyday clothes. I wore an oversized black hoodie and sweats.

After an hour, Mikey entered my apartment.

"Ready to go?" He asked me, I grabbed my hat and mask from the coffee table and headed towards him.

"I'll drive" I said as I was about to grab my keys when he interjected.

"I'll drive, I brought my babu" He said as he showed me his keys. That's new, Mikey rarely takes his babu out.

Mikey and I headed to his bike and hopped on.

"Hold on tight" He said with a bright smile on his face. I couldn't help but blush, I wrapped my arms around his waist and we drove off headed to Musashi Shrine.

I haven't been this close to Mikey in so long, the last time was when we were kids. Then I realize how much we grew apart. We're always together everyday but we just grew apart. When we were kids we held hands and hugged and had fun, but now I don't even know anymore. I guess we're just too old for those things.

As we arrived at the parking lot of Musashi Shrine, Mikey received an anonymous phone call. Weird.

"Hello?" Mikey answered.

I didn't hear what he said but Mikey's eyes grew wide and he suddenly became serious.

"Mikey?" I asked confused, he ended the call with an angry look on his face.

"I can't go to the festival with you" He started off, I was confused and worried, did something bad happen? "some members of Moebius are calling me out"

Moebius again?

"I'll come with!" I told him as I tucked my hair under my hat and wore my mask over my face.

"It's dangerous" He told me, I pulled my hoodie over my head and hopped on his bike, waiting for him to hop on.

"And going alone would make it less dangerous?" I asked him. "Moebius is practically disbanded anyways, I'm pretty sure it's nothing to worry about" I added as I gestured him to hop on his bike. He sighed defeated and hopped on, we then drove to Mizugaki Shrine where Mikey was being called out.

"Look who decided to show, The Invincible Mikey" about 20 Moebius members were waiting for Mikey, they all had bats and crowbars with them.

"And he brought another pipsqueak with him" Another member of Moebius said.

"The 6th Division Captain, Aki"

"That midget is a division captain?"

"Hey short stuff, you sure you want to be part of this, we only wanted Mikey"

"You won't even get near Mikey by the time I'm done with you" I said as I cracked my fingers, getting ready to fight them.

"You're not going in alone" Mikey told me "Let's end this quick so we can get back to the festival" He told me, I smiled and nodded.

Mikey and I then ran in and attack the remaining members of Moebius, knocking them out one by one. We received a few hits from here and there but we're not in bad shape like they were.

I got punched in the face twice and got knee'd in the gut once. Mikey on the other hand got kicked in the side of his abdomen, that's it.

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