Chapter 90

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Chapter 90:

"You're awake," Ryuuji said I was knocked out cold for 2 days after getting stabbed and had surgery. 

Good thing Kiyomasa was an idiot and can't aim at any vital organs.

"I dreamt of Mikey," I told Ryuuji, he gave me a confused look. "I forgot the reason why I was doing all of this, then I dreamt of Mikey, I'm not doing this to be number one, I'm doing this to save him. But seeing Draken made me regret doing this"

"You regret going down this path?" Ryuuji asked me, I smiled sadly and started crying in my bed.

"I don't love Mikey anymore," I told him, "I wish I could go back and just live my life with everyone in Toman," I told him,

"It's not too late though," He told me, "We could go see your parents, maybe they could do something about it,"

"Do you regret ever coming with me?" I asked Ryuuji. he smiled softly and shook his head, "I regret everything I've done up to this point, but I'm not turning back,"

This is going to be my darkest plan yet.

"I'll bring Mikey back home, I'll do it for Draken and the guys," I told him, "Draken is associated with Brahman, you could tell by the way he converses with Akashi, he's definitely a member, knowing Draken he joined because he needed  the help,"

"But Draken said he retired," Ryuuji asked,

"He want to leave the delinquent life after Toman, but he had to join Brahman so he could get to Mikey, he needs Mikey," I told him, "I want to save him the trouble, I'll fight Mikey and be the number one in the whole Kanto Region, if Mikey has no place on top, he'll definitely come back home"

"So you're not doing this for Mikey anymore?" He asked me, I shook my head in response.

"I'm doing this for the boys in Toman, and for myself, to be number one," I said as I sat up, I flinched as the pain from my stab wound was still fresh. "But there's a problem,"

"And what would that be?" He asked me,

"Hanagaki Takemichi," I told him, "He's a timeleaper and he jumped back from the future, he knows about the future, about Bonten, he's going to interfere and I can't have that"

"I heard Takemichi has joined Brahman," Ryuuji told me, "he was spotted in Shinjuku with Kawaragi Senju"

Then Takemichi is indeed someone we should take out, he's a huge threat to everything I put on the line for. 

"This is bad," I mumbled to myself.

"What's your plan?" Ryuuji asked.

"Kill Hanagaki Takemichi," I said with a serious look, his eyes grew wide, and was left speechless, he knew I would never resort to killing anyone but I'm getting desperate, I can't let anyone ruin my plan. 

This fight is getting long enough.

"On July 14, we're going into war with the deities," I told him as I got up from bed and headed to the window and watch other patients walk around. "We have to dispose of Takemichi by then,"

"Even if we dispose of Takemichi, the fact that Brahman has Draken is a huge boost on the Brahman's power, don't forget they have Akashi Takeomi and the legendary duo Wakasa and Benkei,"

"I can beat Draken one on one," I told him, "I wish I could say the same with the Black Dragons, plus we have the S62 generation from Rokuhara Tandai to worry about,"  

"I have a suggestion," Hanma said as he went inside my room, "What if we get Shiba Taiju to join us,"

Shiba Taiju? His brute strength is unmatched by many, we're going to be at a huge advantage if we have in on our side.

"Ryuuji, get me Taiju," I told Ryuuji, 

"Already on it," He said as he brought out his phone and started typing on it.

"Hanma, I need you to find a way to dispose of Hanagaki Takemichi," I told Hanma, I noticed Ryuuji glance at me, looking at me like I was insane.

He does not approve of this but he definitely will go on board with my plan as usual.

"I already have one," Hanma said handing me an envelope, they were pictures and screenshots of some of my members, they were actually spies of Rokuhara Tandai and they've infiltrated my gang so they could gather intel then report it to South.

One week later...

"So are they the traitors?" I asked as I headed inside the basement and saw 4 guys tied to the ground,

"We're not traitors! We were never on your side!" One of them told me, I then kicked him in the head to shut him up.

"You had some nerve infiltrating one of the most dangerous gangs in Tokyo," I told them,

"We-- We-- We just wanted to climb up our rank!" One of them stuttered nervously, "We wanted the executives to acknowledge us just like what Kiyomasa did!"

Ah right, Kiyomasa stabbed me.

"You want to rank up in Rokuhara Tandai, huh?" I mumbled, their reason is really noble if you ask me, they're sacrificing their lives for their gang, that type of dedication is very praise-worthy. "I'll help you,"

"What?" They said in unison,

"Why not go after South's target," I told them, more like I was manipulating them, "Hanagaki Takemichi,"

"Hanagaki Takemichi?" They questioned.

"Kill Hanagaki and I'm sure South will acknowledge you guys, you're willing to put your life on the line by infiltrating a criminal organization, why not go all out!" I told them, and by the looks of it, they were buying it.

"But how can we get to him?" One of the guys asked,

Ryuuji then handed me an envelope, Hanma on the other hand was cutting the ropes tied to the 4 Rokuhara spies.

I handed the envelope to the one in the middle.

"These are files about Hanagaki Takemichi, from his house address to where he goes to school and all of that," I told them, "Now I'll leave the rest to you, dispose of Hangaki Takemichi"

They all nodded and quickly fled.

A/N: I'm actually thinking of putting this story on hold for 2 reasons.

1. we're updated in the manga (like 4 chapters away)

2. I think I'm starting to lose readers.

I hope I can get more people to read this book, anyways for those who are completely updated with this story, can I get a comment? I love reading comments even though I barely reply to them I always love reading them, I actually appreciate comments more than hearts uwu. 

here's a picture of Akaza and Ryuuji on a normal day out XD 

here's a picture of Akaza and Ryuuji on a normal day out XD 

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