Chapter 88

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Chapter 88:

"What does he mean?" Draken said completely confused.

"This is what you get for being retired, you don't even recognize the king of all deities" South told Draken, "That shrimp in front of you is Ikebukuro Dollars' Leader, the unrivaled Yoru,"

"I appreciate the introduction," I told him as I pointed my bat at Terano South, "Now tell me, 1 vs 1, leader to leader, or me vs. everyone Rokuhara Tandai, either way, you guys are handicapped"

"Handicapped?! Aren't you the one covered in bandages?!" I heard one of the members of Rokuhara yell, everyone was going into a frenzy.

"You do know the reason Yoru-san is always injured is that he handles gang fights by himself, just like what he's trying to do now," Ryuuji said as he arrived with about 500 members of Dollars, "Stop going head to head with gangs by yourself, it's such a pain"

"Get off my case," I huffed, "Now, tell me South, fight me 1v1 or we're going all out, judging by the number of members you brought, you're outnumbered"

"If this is going to be a 1v1, I'm going back," Hanma said as he removed his mask,

"Hanma?!" Draken was in shock, Takemichi was also frozen in shock with what is happening.

"Long time no see, former vice-president," Hanma greeted,

I couldn't wait for South's answer, this is a complete waste of time. I quickly dashed towards him and roundhouse kicked him in the head, knocking him down on the floor.

"That's Mikey's move," I heard Draken mumble, completely confused.

"I'll end Rokuhara Tandai once and for all," I told South, I heard him chuckle and stood up. I was about to swing my bat at him but someone from behind grabbed it from me, he then broke it into 2 and threw it to the side.

Bitch, I paid good money for that.

I was about to get ambushed by the members of Rokuhara Tandai when one of their members came flying in our direction.

"South," Akashi Takeomi said, arriving with hundreds of Brahman members. "Don't go off and act like you're the big guy, you should take notice of people around you,"

Great, 3/4 deities are here.

Wait! 3 out of the 4 deities are here?! Then I remember more than a year ago, I had a vision, an all-out war between all 4 deities. Will Kanto Manji Gang appear too? Will everything finally be settled here?

"Oh, looks like we're finally going to meet the unrivaled Yoru," Takeomi said huffing on his cigarette.

"What brings you here, Brahman?" South asked.

"I'm not here to deal with Rokuhara Tandai, the one I want to deal with is Hanagaki Takemichi" Takeomi announced, "I've come to scout you"


"Me? Why me?" Takemichi asked confused

"Oi, oi, oi, we can't allow you to do that" Kakucho said as he arrived,

I personally don't want Takemichi and Draken in my gang, but I can't let them join the others, either. If this keeps up, he'll end up destroying everything I worked so hard to do. He knew the future, plus if he did go back in time then that means he could do it again, he's a potential threat to my plan.

"Brahman, before you take Hanagaki, you have to deal with Dollars first," I told him, "Ryuuji, Hanma! Go deal with South, I'll handle Takeomi" suddenly the s62 generation arrived.

Mochi, Madarame, and the Haitani brothers arrived, this is going to get messy.

"Did you say something pipsqueak?" Ran told me with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Bunch of blood-thirsty people around here, being young sure is nice," Takeomi said taking another hit on his cigarette. "Right, Senju?"

Kawaragi Senju finally appears before everyone, you don't usually see her during fights like these, Takeomi usually takes over.

Senju quickly ran and threw her umbrella at South, South blocking the umbrella but couldn't block Senju's kick, he was still standing though.

"Now this is what I'm talking about!" I yelled completely thrilled, I wanted to lay my hands on Kawaragi Senju ever since Brahman rose to the top. "This is going to be fun!"

"I haven't seen you this excited in years," Ryuuji told me, "I'll take care of the S62 Generation," If you ask me Ryuuji is just as strong as Kakucho so I'm sure he can handle the S62 Generation just fine.

"I want my hands on the scarface guy," Hanma said referring to Takeomi.

"Senju is all yours," Ryuuji said, but I can't help but feel I forgot something or someone.

That's right! the other founding members of the Black Dragons!

"I'm the 9th Generation Black Dragons!" I heard Madarame yell, I was lost in thought that I didn't hear what were they talking about up to that point.

Speak of the devil, one of the founding members of the Black Dragons appeared behind Madarame and sucker-punched him in the face.

"You're a disgrace to the Black Dragons!" Benkei told Madarame. Suddenly, Kakucho dashed in and sucker-punched Benkei as well, knocking him back.

Kakucho's raw strength is definitely something to be feared, but atleast I have Ryuuji

"If Takemichi wishes to return to the world of delinquency, he belongs to Rokuhara Tandai!" Kakucho announces.

Ryuuji then tackled Kakucho, knocking him down, hitting his head on the concrete. Ryuuji got up and said, "Hanagaki will not join Rokuhara Tamdai, I'll make sure of that,"

Senju is open! I snuck my way in as fast as I can to land a hit on Kawaragi Senju but my kick was blocked by none other than Wakasa Imaushi.

"So we finally meet, Ishikawa Haru, is that even your real name?" Wakasa said with an uninterested look on his face. 

"I'm pretty sure you wouldn't care if it wasn't," I told him,

"If I cared enough, you wouldn't be standing alive," Wakasa told me.

"Wakasa-san, fight me," I said as Ryuuji stood behind me, "The best duo from the 1st generation Black Dragons versus the best duo in Dollars, I wonder who will be left standing"

"You're on," Wakasa said as he spits out the stick in his mouth, but Senju gestured for Wakasa to stop.

"We're not here to fight," Senju told Wakasa. "I don't care about you guys, I'm just here to get Hanagaki Takemichi on board before the Kanto Manji Gang arrives."

"I have no interest neither in Brahman, Dollars nor Rokuhara Tandai" Takemichi answered.

That's a relief.

"I am only here to defeat Kanto Manji Gang's leader, Sano Manjiro!" Takemichi announces.

I take back what I said, whether he joins a gang or not, being involved with Mikey could potentially ruin all my hard work. I have to keep an eye on him.

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