Chapter 104

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Chapter 104:

I headed to Ikebukuro, to Dollars' headquarters. Nothing out of the ordinary, Hanma was actually doing good in taking care of things, and Taiju, being the one experienced with deals, has actually managed our deals with different companies.

"Yoru-san, I actually thought you died," Hansen said as I entered the building, "Nice hair, black suits you better,"

"Hello to you to Hansen," I greeted sarcastically, making him chuckle, "So how are things while I was gone?"

"Half of our men are injured and are confined in the hospitals," Hansen started off as we headed to the admin's office of the building,

"Have you financed their hospital bills?" I asked, he nodded in response, I always take good care of my members, when one of them is in a pinch, I try my best to provide for their needs. That was something Ryuuji embedded in our gang's policy and I continue to stick by it.

I may have lost my sanity, but I still have some compassion to care for my men who fight for me.

"Oi, oi, oi look who we have here," Hanma said with a huge smirk on his face, "I didn't think you'd survive,"

"What happened to you?" Taiju asked, "Where have you been?"

I sat down on the couch, stared at the two executives, and let out a deep sigh.

"Before I get into that, I need you two to cooperate with me," I started off, "You two have done great running things while Ryuuji and I are gone, I hope you continue to do so,"

"You're retiring?" Taiju asked confused,

"The situation has changed," I told them, "Kanto Manji Gang has me on a tight leash, I'm only here under some circumstances, but I plan to destroy Kanto Manji Gang from the inside, so I need you two to work with me from the outside,"

"Mikey must have fucked you up while you were there," Hanma teased, he's not wrong.

"Dollars is going to merge with Kanto Manji Gang after a year, we have until then to destroy Kanto Manji Gang," I told them, "Mikey thinks the one year is to finish all our contracts so it's all I could ask from him,"

"That's not a lot of time," Taiju pointed out, and I agree. Things are moving way too fast compared to the previous timeline, is it because I changed the past? I made things worst everyone.

"This is going to be difficult, but Dollars must stay out of Kanto Manji Gang's way," I told them. "If Mikey sees anything suspicious from Dollars, he's going to kill me,"

"So what's the plan?" Hanma asked, getting interested, "I don't really care if you die, I wish nothing more than for you to get brutally murdered, but I hate the Kanto Manji Gang and want them gone as well,"

That's nice of you to say Hanma -_-

"Shiba Taiju, I need you to take over the deals Dollars' have, prioritize the Inumaki Pharmaceutical Corporation since they are our biggest providers," I instructed them, "There's a rumor that Brahman's Akashi Takeomi is going to join Kanto Manji Gang, Hanma, I need you to stop that from happening, if Takeomi joins Mikey's gang, it's game over,"

"What are you going to do?" Taiju asked me,

"For now, I have to keep Mikey away from any former Brahman members," I told them, "It's going to be hard dealing with Mikey, especially when he has that psychopath with him."


I have no choice but to leave my gang to Hanma Shuji and Shiba Taiju. I don't really trust them but I can't really do anything about it, this would have been easier if Ryuuji was here, but I have to decide things on my own now.

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