Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

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Chapter 5:

I was on my way to Mikey's place to pick him up, knowing him I'm pretty sure he still isn't awake for school.

"Mikey~" I chimed in as I went inside his room and just as I expected, he's still asleep. I went to his closet and prepared his school uniform and placed it on a chair. A few minutes later Draken arrived he looks pretty unhappy.

"He's still not awake?" Draken said as he sat down on the sofa.

"Well its Mikey were talking about" I laughed "I'll go get his breakfast" I said as I headed to the Sano's main home. Mikey stays in Shinichiro's old garage, they've converted it to a bedroom.

As I headed in the kitchen Emma was busy cooking breakfast, Mikey's food was already prepared on the table.

"Good morning" I greeted Emma, she doesn't look pretty happy herself. What's with everyone's mood today?

"Good morning" She greeted lowly, I sat down in the dining table and stared at her. She looks really down.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, she faked a smile and shook her head. "I know I've hung out with boys all my life, but I'm still a girl, it's a girl thing isn't it?" I asked her, she chuckled awkwardly at me.


She removed her apron and sat down with me.

"It's been years" She started off "but Draken still won't look at me, he only cares about his gang, fighting, bikes and Mikey." She said almost in tears.

"Draken did grow up in a very 'mature' environment" I told her as I air quoted 'mature'. Draken grew up in a brothel so he was exposed to sex and lewd things at a very young age, so that's why he isn't interested in relationships, he's ignorant in that field. "We're still young, you shouldn't rush stuff like love" I told her.

"I just want him to look at me" She said sadly. I kind of understand how she feels, just like how I was with him.

"Draken isn't going away, and I'm pretty sure once he starts wanting to be with someone, it's going to be you" I told her "So while we wait for that, let's just support them with their goal"

"Is that why you're always by Mikey's side?" She asked, I was confused. "You've been supporting Mikey ever since the start, are you waiting for him?"

"Waiting for him for what?" I asked awkwardly. She smiled and shook her head.

"Nevermind" She said as she got up. "I wish I could grow up faster, maybe Draken would look at me then" She whispered to herself.

"Wishing to grow up faster, I've been there, look where it got me" I told her "Draken will come along eventually, just enjoy being young before its too late"

She really loves Draken, it's admirable how dedicated she is.


I went back to Mikey's room with his breakfast, it seems like Draken already woke him up. I placed his food at his desk and waited for him to finish getting ready.

"Gather the members tonight" Mikey said with a serious look on his face. I was lost. What happened while I was gone?

"What happened" I asked confused.

"Pah's friend was abused another gang" Mikey responded "Moebius"

"They beat up Pah's friend and raped his girlfriend in front of him" Draken told me, I was in shock. "Not only that, they harassed his parents and siblings"

My blood was boiling. And it seemed like Mikey could tell, my hand was clenched tight and I was shaking in anger. As someone who has been almost raped twice I could not stand sexual abuse.

"Calm down, Akaza" Mikey told me. "You are not allowed to participate in the fight" he told me. I glared at him.

"Stop babying me" I told him "I won't stand and let girls get sexually abused, rape is rape, they deserve to die" I practically yelled at him.

"Akaza, calm down, we know you're angry" Draken said as he patted me on the head.

"I don't know why you are banning me from participating when I've fought in gang fights before" I yelled at them.

Mikey and Draken made me cover up the fact I'm a girl in the gang. During gatherings I would wear a hoodie and mask to cover my hair and face. No one in Toman except the founding members knows about it.

"This is different, Moebius is way too dangerous; they're not just a biker gang" Mikey told me.

"And I'm not just some girl" I retaliated "I'm the 6th division captain for a reason"

"Fine" Mikey said annoyed "but if anything happens to you, you're stepping down from Toman"


After the heated argument at Mikey's room, we headed to school. Everyone from our school made way and greeted us with respect, well greeted Mikey and Draken, Emma and I were just accessories.

"Aka-chin, do you want to skip class?" Mikey asked me. "Let's go to the rooftop, I want to take a nap"

"Okay, I'll go tell Draken" I asked Mikey, Draken was talking to Emma a few feet away from us.

"Just the two of us" He said. I raised an eyebrow, confused, but I nodded and followed him to the rooftop.

He headed to the shaded part of the rooftop and I followed. He sat down and I sat down beside him, he looked so burdened after finding out what happened about Moebius.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He faked a smile and shook his head.

"Hearing about what happened to Pah's friend made me deeply upset, imagine what Pah is feeling right now" He said as he stared at the sky. "It made me remember that" he continued referring to what happened to me 2 years ago.

"It's far worst, she actually got raped" I told him "I want to hurt them, I can't imagine what she has gone through, it hurts just thinking about it."

"I don't ever want that to happen to anyone in Toman" He said.

"This is why I want to fight Moebius, they need to be taught a lesson" I told him. He nodded.

"I understand" He responded "Just be careful, I don't want to lose you too"

Mikey and I fell asleep on the rooftop that morning, I slept sitting down while he laid down my lap. He slept like a baby. He may be the invincible Mikey, the unrivaled Mikey, but at the end of the day he's still Sano Manjiro. He may be the strongest but you could tell he's hurting and I want to protect him from that pain. I wish I could.

[Mikey's POV]

I woke up from my nap and realize I was at the rooftop, I remember now, I asked Aka-chin here with me. I slowly got up as I was laying down on her lap. She was still sleeping, she may not say it but I know she's tired of fighting and she's still hurting. I want to protect her but it's getting harder to do so, especially now that things are getting too dangerous.

I stared at her and before I knew it I was slowly getting closer to her; I eventually kissed her.

I don't think she realized or knew I did since she was asleep.

I wish you look at me the same way you looked at Shinichiro.

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