Chapter 96

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Chapter 96:

As I approached Mikey, my heart started pounding like crazy. Will I die here by Mikey? Will I be able to go against Mikey? I already killed so many people and I'm willing to kill anyone who gets in my way but Mikey?

I wanted to take the fast route and just kill Mikey then kill myself, that way we could just be together in hell, but I'm sure Shinichiro, Emma, and Baji would want to meet him in heaven. I want redemption for Mikey.

"This fight is for Draken!" Akashi yelled and everyone in Brahman roared.

"Let the war of the deities begin!" South yelled  

"Kill everybody!" Sanzu screamed

Everyone then started going at each other, it was a total riot over a thousand men were fighting at the amusement park, I doubt the police could stop this many people.

"Fuck you, Kanto Manji Gang! You abandoned Draken!" I heard Akashi yell.

That made me realize something, I was the reason for Draken's death. How could I face Mikey knowing Draken died because of me.

How would he react to Draken's death anyway? He should be aware that this war was because men from Rokuhara Tandai shot Draken to death.

"Look at the situation now, Koko" Mikey said to Kokonoi,

he's being casual about the situation?

"Not making any moves?" Kokonoi asked Mikey who was still just watching.

"I'll leave this to Haruchiyo and the rest," Mikey stated, looking uninterested at everything. Maybe he doesn't know Draken died? Right? Because this has to be some sick joke, Mikey not bothered with the death of his number one follower and best friend?!

"You don't really care about it?" Koko asked Mikey,

"About what?" Mikey asked, he doesn't really know???? But Akashi has been screaming about it this whole time!

"Draken's death?" Kokonoi pointed out.

"Oh~" Was the only thing Mikey said and went back to watching the fight unfold.

"What?" I snapped. "Oh? Oh is the only thing you're going to respond to the death of your best friend?"

"Hmmm?" Mikey looked at me, again with no interest at all,

My mind just went blank. I couldn't control myself anymore, I was completely overwhelmed with rage, sadness, resentment, and mostly regrets.

Everything I said about Mikey prior to this seemed like a distant memory to me. How? How can the person I loved turn into this heartless monster? 

The last thing I ever want is to regret giving up my life and happiness for someone like this. I was overflowing with resentment and anger.

All I want to do is kill Mikey. With all my heart, I want to slit his throat and strangle him until I see the light in his eyes disappear.

Draken, I promised I'd save Mikey. I can't keep that promise anymore. I don't want to save this Sano Manjiro anymore, my Mikey is gone.

If Mikey never succumb to his stupid dark impulsivity none of this shit would happen at all! I wouldn't have been consumed by my own dark impulsivity.

I killed people for Mikey.

I made illegal deals for Mikey.

I became a criminal for Mikey.

 I destroyed my life for Mikey and for Toman.

I'm so fucking tired.

I ran to Mikey and Kokonoi at my fastest speed and kicked Hajime Kokonoi at the back of his head, knocking him on the floor. Both of them didn't see it coming.

In terms of strength, I wasn't the strongest among all the deities but what made me the king of all deities is because I'm the fastest and most agile, plus I'm short as fuck, giving me the advantage over brute strength. 

"Wha-" Mikey was taken aback by how fast I came behind them.

I tried kicking Mikey on the head but he managed to block my kick, but he was a little overthrown by my speed. He tried kicking me but I blocked his kick with a kick,


"The Unrivaled Yoru vs. The Invincible Mikey!"

"They're pretty much at par with each other!"

"They're both monsters!"

"Who's gonna win?"

A bunch of members of Kanto Manji Gang, Rokuhara Tandai and Dollars were watching our 1v1, when I managed to tilt Mikey by just mentioning a certain name.

"Inumaki Akaza, remember her?" I said, knowing that mentioning my name will throw him off his game. "The last thing she said before she died was 'I'm sorry, Mikey'" 

I played dirty.

And just like that, Mikey was thrown off his guard. I manage to land a solid punch on his face, knocking him on the floor. I got on top of him and started punching him in the face from left-to-right.

"What's wrong, Manjiro?!" I yelled at him as he laid there, just taking in all my punches. "Can't move on from the death of your girlfriend but don't care about the death of your best friend?!"

He just stared at me.

"How could you do this to Draken?" I said as I continue to hit him, this time tears started streaming down my face as I couldn't take the situation happening.

He doesn't give shit about Draken's death,

Draken spent all his life with Mikey. Draken dedicated his life in saving Mikey. Draken risked his life for Mikey and Toman, and yet Mikey doesn't care?

Mikey and his stupid dark impulsivity!

I ruined my life for Mikey.

Draken died because of Mikey.

I was right from the beginning, this is all Mikey's fault.

All I feel now is regret.

I wish I never gave up my life and freedom for you.

I wish I just stayed with Draken and the rest of Toman.

I wish I never loved you.

"Draken died because of you and you act like you don't care!?" I screamed at Mikey, he just stared at me with the same uninterested look he had from a while back. "The person who has been with you since the start, you abandoned him!"

"Why do you care?" Mikey said. "Who is Draken to you anyway? Why do you care if I don't?"

I froze.

I pulled out my pocket knife and pointed it on Sano Manjiro's neck, this time I won't hesitate in slitting his throat. 

I don't care if I get arrested for murder.

I just want Sano Manjiro dead.

"For Draken!" I said before attempting to slice Mikey's throat. 

I then heard gunshots and a piercing pain in my back, did I get shot? AGAIN?! 

"Yoru-san!!!!!!!" Ryuuji yelled in despair and shock.

"Haruchiyo, where did you get that gun?" Mikey asked quite shock to see Sanzu pointing a gun at me.

"I found it near Rokuhara Tandai's hideout with 4 fresh dead bodies beside it" I heard Sanzu say,

I then starting coughing out blood, my vision turned black and I passed out right after.

[Mikey's POV]

Yoru started coughing out blood and passed out on top of me.  He was laying on top of me when something caught my attention, I could feel his heartbeat so he's still alive but aside from that... 

Yoru has big breasts.

Does that mean The Unrivaled Yoru, AKA the king of all deities, is a girl?

A/N: I don't know how to write the last part without it ruining the seriousness of the chapter hahahaha!

I wasn't actually supposed to update but I wanted to reach 100k reads asap

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