Chapter 55

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Chapter 55:

I was on the way to the Shibuya train station since I wanted to pick up my bike in Ikebukuro. I headed to one of the stalls and bought a soda before boarding. After buying my cold beverage, I saw Takemichi and Chifuyu headed for the ticket booth.

"Yo! Idiots from the 1st division!" I called out to the 2 of them.

"Akaza-chan!" Takemichi greeted me.

"Who are you calling idiots!" Chifuyu yelled.

"The idiots who tried to offer Mikey dorayaki during an important meeting, don't think I forgot about that" I teased the two.

"Chifuyu!" We heard someone call out from behind us.

It was Yamagishi and Makoto running in our direction, they were badly beaten up.

"What the hell happened to you?" Chifuyu asked them.

Suddenly a bunch of big guys wearing uniforms started coming out of the train. There were more than a hundred of them leaving the train and appearing from behind us.

"They appeared all of a sudden!" Yamagishi said, so they were the ones who beat up Yamagishi and Makoto.

"Out of the way, fucker!" The one leading the group yelled at Takemichi.

"A bunch of ugly fuckers in uniform" I stated bluntly, 

"What the hell did you say, bitch?" The leader said as he grabbed me by the collar. "She's wearing a Toman jacket, is your little boyfriend a part of Toman?" He said then quickly turned to Chifuyu.

"Are you her boyfriend?" He taunted Chifuyu.

"What?" Chifuyu was taken aback.

"He's not my boyfriend," I said as I grabbed my hair tie and pulled my hair back. "They're not from Toman but I am. 6th division captain, Inumaki Akaza, nice to meet ya~"

"What? That's absurd," He asked, he quickly pulled out Akkun who was also badly beaten. "Hey, are they from Toman?"

"Akkun!" Takemichi yelled out in shock.

Idiot. He could have gotten away unscathed he if just kept his mouth shut.

"Alright, another prey!" The dude in red coat said as he cracked his knuckles. 

Chifuyu suddenly jumped up and kicked the guy in the head, knocking him on the floor.

"Takemichi, run!" Chifuyu yelled.

"Chifuyu and I can handle things here," I told him. "A bunch of weak idiots in a herd"

"We'll catch up later!" Chifuyu yelled, Takemichi then started running out of the station. 

Chifuyu and I tried to stall them as much as we could, but there were too many of them. Eventually, Chifuyu and I were outnumbered and were defeated.

"They must have gotten away by now," I said as I fell on one knee, holding my stomach in pain after being uppercut in the guts.

"For a girl, you're pretty tough," One of them said as he kicked me in the side of my head.

"Akaza-chan!" Chifuyu yelled as he ran to me to see if I'm okay.


Chifuyu and I then got dragged outside the station. Takemichi and his friends were beaten to a pulp by the other members in the red coat.

"In Toman, there are 6 divisions, right?" The leader said as he threw Chifuyu towards Takemichi. "Are the other 4 as weak as you and this girl?" He said as he pulled my hair up so I could face him. "6th division captain, what a joke"

He then let go of me, then pushed me towards Takemichi. Takemichi ran over and caught me before I could fall on the floor.

The leader then went and left us, but leaving the rest of his men behind to finish us off.

Suddenly a motorcycle started ramming the guys over, either bumping into them or running over them.

It's was the twins from the 4th division!

"Smiley, Angry, just in time, though it could have been better if you guys were here earlier," I said as I stood up on my own. They were carrying one of Takemichi's friends with him. 

"Better late than never," Smiley said. 

"He fell off the bike and got injured, can you take him to the hospital," Angry told Takemichi.

"I'll take him," I said as I headed to Takuya who was knocked out cold. "You guys, better win," I told Smiley and Angry who nodded.


So apparently the guy who attacked us was "Mochi" he was a well-known delinquent in some parts of Tokyo and was the leader of a huge gang in Kawasaki, no wonder he was strong plus they had the number, Chifuyu and I didn't stand a chance. 

After dropping Takuya off at the hospital, I was heading to Mikey's place to report what happened. 

"Long time no see, Akaza-chan" I heard someone say from behind me.

A guy with tan skin and white hair greeted me from behind. He was the one who kept visiting Shinichiro at his shop!

"Kurokawa Izana" I mumbled in shock. I thought this kid was in reform school.

"So how are you doing since Shinichiro died?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Life must suck for you"

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"I want you to give Mikey a message for me" He said as he approached me, he then came up to my ear and whispered "Die"

He suddenly punched me in the gut making me cough out blood. His strength was nothing I've ever faced before. He was stronger than Hanma, Mochi, and Taiju combined. He could just be as strong as Mikey.

He then grabbed me by the collar and slammed me on the side of the road. He got on top of me then squatted down so he could face me.

"Kurokawa Izana, what the hell do you want with Mikey?" I manage to mutter as I was on the verge of passing out. 

"Mikey is going to lose everything dear to him" Izana stated "I'm going to leave him completely empty"

"What did Mikey ever did to you?" I told him, he then placed his hand around my neck and clenched it tightly, choking me. 

"You're going to die along with him, you'll finally get to meet up with your beloved Shinichiro" Izana said with a smirk on his face. "But I'll spare you for today, pass on the message to Mikey for me!" He said as he got off of me then walked away.

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