Chapter 95

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Chapter 95: 

I can't believe Mikey is really here, not just Mikey, every single one of the deities is here! I'm ecstatic! No words can explain the thrill and rush I am feeling.

I will avenge Draken's death. I'll kill every single one of these gang leaders and be the only one on top. 

Starting with Mikey...

This is all Mikey's fault anyway. If he didn't succumb to his stupid 'dark impulsivity' and just lived happily with us, all of these would have never happened, Draken wouldn't have died. Mikey is the reason for Draken's death!

"Ryuuji, take over," I told Ryuuji who was standing beside me. "I want to have a word with the 'invincible' Mikey"

"Akaza-san," He started off, "Those are the eyes of someone who would kill, are you planning on killing Mikey-kun?" 

"Mikey is the enemy," I told him, "This is all Mikey's fault,"

"Akaza-san, you're going to regret it, Mikey is the love of your life!  Whatever you are planning, stop. Killing someone to be on top? That's absurd!" He told me, I raised my eyebrow at him and glared at him, 

"I don't love Mikey anymore," I told him, I'm starting to get really pissed off, "Draken is gone because of him!"

"You know you're lying, you just pretend you don't love him anymore because you don't want any more regrets," He started off, "You've suffered so much already, you act like this is for Toman and Draken, you act like you're doing this because you want to be on top, but in reality, you still want to save Sano Manjiro, you're doing this for Mikey because you love him."

"You're wrong," I told him,

"You know I'm right!" He told me, I grabbed the pocket knife from my back pocket and slashed Ryuuji but he was quick enough to dodge him, but I did manage to cut his arm.

I then pointed the knife at him,

"Are you going to take charge or not?" I asked as he held his bleeding arm. He let out a deep sigh before responding.

"Toshima division, follow Hanma! Take on Brahman!" Ryuuji announces to everyone who was in deep shock with what I did to Ryuuji. They hesitated at first but quickly followed the instructions and attacked Brahman,

"Setagaya division follow Shiba Taiju's command!" I yelled at my other division as they quickly headed to attack Rokuahra Tandai, "Ryuuji, you're not wrong," I told Ryuuji who gave me a confused look, "Mikey means the world to me, after I bring Mikey home and become the top delinquent, I'm going to kill myself so before that happens I want you to go home with Mikey and live a happy life,"

"Why does this sound like a farewell?" He asked with a worried look on his face, 

"I won't let Mikey defeat me, but he doesn't know that I'm Akaza, so we don't know to what extent will he go just to be on top," I told him, "He killed a lot in many futures, who knows this may be the start of his killing,"

"Hey wait--" Ryuuji tried to stop me,

"I'll gladly die for Mikey or by Mikey,"  was the last thing I told him before facing Sano Manjiro.


I remember even as a kid, I always blamed Mikey for everything, even the littlest shit, and Mikey would just take the blame for me. I never understood why but growing up I realized it was his nature to carry everything on his shoulders. He carried all my sorrows growing up, he took in all of Kazutora's anger and regrets, he carried all of Toman on his should. 

Even now, even as Kanto Manji Gang's leader, he was still carrying Toman and Takemichi's burden with him. And because of that, in all futures, he lost everything he held dear to him.

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