Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: (1st Future Timeline pt. 2)

The following morning I've received a phone call from my executive, Ryuuji-kun, remember him? he was my former vice-captain in Toman. He retired after I did and followed me to where I am now.

"I think I found you a lead," Ryuuji told me.

He informed me that Draken was in prison and currently on death row, I was devastated in hearing the news. How did it come to this?

"Can you set up a visit for me and Draken?" I asked Ryuuji.

The following day, I headed to Tokyo Detention Center with Jichiro, I wanted him to meet his uncle Draken before he meets his end.

"You ready to meet your uncle Ken-chin?" I asked Jichiro who smiled brightly and nodded.

"Mr. Dragon is so cool!" He said; we used to show him pictures of us when we were all in Toman 12 years ago, he calls Draken 'Mr. Dragon' because of his tattoo.

I sat down and waited for Draken to come out, as he did I started to cry, it's been 11 years since I last saw him and now he's right in front of me, in prison and on death row.

"Inumaki Akaza, it's been so long," Draken said with a warm smile "or is it Sano Akaza now?"

"Draken, what happened?" I asked crying "how did you end up here?"

"I didn't regret what I did, I wanted to do it," Draken said with a sad smile.

Is he saying he murdered someone?

"It's my fault Toman ended up like this, I couldn't stop him" Draken continued "I couldn't stop Mikey, I'm sorry, you're family is suffering because of me"

"Draken, don't say that!" I told him "I was with Mikey before he left, I could have stopped him"

"It's not your fault, you didn't know what was happening in Toman during those years," Draken said "Toman was better 12 years ago, we had so much fun" I smiled and nodded.

"Draken, I need to know where Mikey is," I told him, he sighed and shook his head.

"It's best for your family if you stopped looking for Mikey and move on," Draken told me, I shook my head.

"I promised I'll never leave Mikey's side! I already lost Shinichiro, I don't want to lose Mikey too!" I was desperate. Draken is the only lead I have in years but I still ended up with nothing.

"Mommy?" Jichiro called out to me, I broke my trance and faced my son who looked so sad. "Don't cry"

"Is this who I think it is?" Draken said referring to Jichiro "He looks exactly like Mikey"

"He does, does he," I said as I carried Jichiro on my lap so he could face Draken "say hi to your uncle Ken-chin!" I told Jichiro he smiled and waved at Draken.

"Mr. Dragon looks so much cooler in person!" Jichiro exclaimed making Draken laugh brightly. It was refreshing to see Draken's bright smile again after all these years.


[MIkey's POV]

"Boss, we're losing resources here," My Toman executives told me. I just arrived in Tokyo from the Philippines a week ago and all my executives do is nag and complain.

"We need drugs" Another one of my executives added.

"Isn't you're wife the president of the Inumaki Pharmaceutical Corporation? you could ask her" said the third executive.

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