Chapter 113

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Chapter 113:

[Akaza's POV]

My back still stings after going to my 1 PM appointment, I decided to visit Shinichiro and Emma. I haven't been here in a while and I didn't really plan on coming here but after Mikey told me about what happened between him and Haruchiyo, I suddenly wanted to see Shinichiro.

"I can't remember the last time I visited," I told Shinichiro and Emma as I lit some incense and placed them on the Sano family grave.

"Mikey came to see me last night, he told me about what he did to Akashi Haruchiyo," I told him, "Why can't I remember that happening? Why wasn't I aware of this? When did this all happen?"

If only I was there when it happened, I could have stopped Mikey from hurting Sanzu, and maybe none of this would have happened if I had just stopped him.

"Shinichiro-kun, you're disappointed in me, aren't you?" I asked Shinichiro as I placed my hand on their gravestone,

A faint vision flashed before me,

unlike my other visions, this one was brief, blurry, and I could barely make it out.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to frame the boss' wife?" Ran asked the group of Bonten executives.

"Would you rather take the fall?" Sanzu asked Ran who did not respond, "We fucked up, we lost over half of our men and 3/4 of our assets, but if we tell Mikey that his wife betrayed the gang then we'll get away unscathed,"

"But Akaza didn't do anything wrong," Rindo interjected, "What if Mikey hurts her? She has two kids to raise,"

"Mikey isn't going to do anything to her, a slap on the wrist at most" Sanzu assured everyone, "It's either her or us, you guys decide,"

 What the fuck did I just see? And how is it possible for me to see the future I wasn't part of? I wasn't in that meeting so how could I have seen it?

Maybe my schizophrenia is playing tricks on me.

But if that isn't the case, the reason for the current future timeline was because Sanzu framed me for their slip-up.

Mikey resented me in the future because he thought I betrayed him and his gang.

My blood was boiling and hatred was overflowing my body, I'm not just going to find Sanzu Haruchiyo, I'm going to brutally murder him and feed his remains to stray dogs.

I'll get rid of Sanzu first, I'll deal with Mikey after.

I just needed Sanzu Haruchiyo out of the picture.

He's probably the root of all of this.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Hansen,

"Hansen, deploy the Shibuya division," I told him, "Get me Kanto Manji Gang's Sanzu Haruchiyo, Kill him if you have to, bring me his body,"

"Yoru-san, that's kind of risky," Hansen tried to reason, "You're going to spark another conflict with Kanto Manji Gang if we do that, didn't Mikey want to meet you first?" 

"I don't care about Mikey," I responded, "Get me Sanzu Haruchiyo," I said then quickly ended the call.

I was fuming with anger, I was pissed beyond words. No wonder there was no future for Mikey and me, it's because Sanzu Haruchiyo ruined everything.

I always thought Mikey's dark impulsivity was my fault when Shinichiro died because I didn't tell anyone he had a babu.

But that wasn't the case, that wasn't the reason why Mikey was consumed with darkness. 

"I knew you'd be here, Akaza" A familiar voice said, Mitsuya was standing a few meters away from me with Chifuyu, Hakkai, and Takemichi.

They were all wearing the same stupid shirt, except for Mitsuya.

Are they in a dance troupe or something?

"You really out here telling people my secret, Mitsuya?" I said as I got up from my seat and pulled my hoodie down so I could look at them properly.

"You want her to join our gang? She works for Mikey!" I heard Takemichi whisper to Mitsuya,

"Akaza, I want you to help us stop Mikey," Mitsuya said as he held his hand out for me,

I just stared at his hand and back at him with no emotions at all. Is he really expecting me to join their stupid gang knowing I am a leader of one of the biggest criminal organizations right now?

I pulled out a gun from the pocket of my hoodie and pointed at Mitsuya,

"Mitsuya, you trust people way too much," I said,

Hakkai, Chifuyu, and Takemichi started panicking as soon as I pulled out the gun. Mitsuya just looked at me sternly, he was confident I wasn't going to shoot any of them which wasn't the case. I was ready to kill Takemichi a few days ago so I wasn't really hesitating to shoot.

"We're going to die!" Takemichi cried, 

I then pointed the gun at Takemichi and pulled the trigger.

Water then squirted out of the gun and sprayed Takemichi in the face.

"Cool, right?" I said laughing, "I got it at the Ikebukuro night market, it looks like the real thing,"

"It's not real?" Takemichi said with snot coming out of his nose, "Didn't you have a gun?"

"I gave the gun back to Mikey," I told him, "I don't usually carry a gun with me, I only had one because I was told to kill you,"

I raised both my hands up, gesturing Mitsuya to pat me down to make sure, which he did. He then pulled out my butterfly knife from my back pocket.

"I said I don't carry a gun, I didn't say anything about a knife," I sighed,

"Then I guess it's safe to say she's harmless now," Mitsuya said chuckling, as he placed the knife in his pocket.

"Harmless? Isn't she the leader of a criminal organization?" Hakkai said, still scared,

"Your brother works for me, you know," I informed him, "Anyway, what's with the lame shirt?"

"Hey!" Chifuyu spat back, "This is our gang uniform!"

"You're kidding me. right?" I asked in disbelief,

"So are you going to join the gang?" Mitsuya asked quickly changing the subject,

"With just the 4 of you? You don't stand a chance against Kanto Manji Gang," I told them,

"We actually got the Inupi with us," Takemichi said, 

"We also have the Kawata twins, and Peh-yan and Pah-chin," Chifuyu added,

They still wouldn't stand a chance against Mikey's gang, especially now that they have the s62 generation under their wing.

I basically have 4x the number of members Kanto Manji Gang has and I'm still in doubt on whether we can face them,

"I'm also planning to ask Senju to join," Takemichi blurted out which caught my attention,


Brahman's Kawaragi Senju?

Akashi Senju?

the Senju who was there when the incident happened,

If Takemichi is planning to ask Senju to join his gang, then I can get hold of her if I join as well,

Something tells me there's more to what happened back then with Sanzu, if I can get to Senju and Takeomi I might get some answers.

What did Sanzu break and why is it so important to Mikey to the point that he tried ripping Sanzu's mouth apart?

"I'll join your gang," I told them, "In one condition,"

"What would that be?" Mitsuya asked,

"I want to meet Kawaragi Senju," I told them,

A/N: I made some very minor tweaks to chapter 112 (the part where Akaza and Mikey were talking about the incident) so it fits with the manga's current update. 

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