Chapter 70

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Chapter 70:

I was sitting on my desk in class, daydreaming, tomorrow is the day we're putting our things in the time capsule and I still have nothing to put in.

"Maybe I'll put my favorite video game" I mumbled to myself, "Then what will I play on the weekends!" I'm completely blank with this, I've finished my letter, all I need is the important item to put in it.

"You seem stressed," Mikey said as he sat in front of me and place a small carton of strawberry milk on my desk. Ain't he the cutest?

"What are you putting in the capsule?" I asked Mikey,

"That's a secret," He told me, ugh! I really have no idea what to put in it.

"Akaza, I need you to drop by my place later, help me change the oil of my bike" Draken said as he entered the classroom and sat down beside me.

"Can't you do it?" I told him,

"The girls are asking me to run some errands for them," Draken said.

"Fine," I told Draken, "You want to come? I asked Mikey" 

"Sure, I'll keep you company, but you go ahead, I'm only cleaning duty today," Mikey told me, I just nodded.


After class, Draken and I went to his place. We headed to his room and I sat on his bed. 

"Have you ever thought about moving out?" I asked him, "I know this is where you grew up with but all the lewd noises are making things awkward"

"I don't have the money for that," He told me as he grabbed his jacket from his rack.

"You could stay with me, I have an extra bedroom," I told him. I got up and headed to his wall where there were pictures stuck on it.

"It's okay, I kind of like it here, I'm in the middle of downtown where everything is" He answered.

"Can I have this?" I asked Draken as I grabbed the picture of me and Mikey during one of Toman's meetings.

"Sure," Draken told me, "I'll be back by 6" 

"Wait, you'll be gone for 3 hours?" I asked but he already left the room before I could finish the sentence. Why would he be gone that long? He's literally in the middle of downtown, everything was just a walk away from him.

I'll just wait for Mikey before I go down to Draken's bike. I placed the picture in my bag and sat down on Draken's bed examining the place. Draken really keeps his room clean and organized.

"I'm here, Ken-chin already left?" Mikey said, arriving a few minutes later

"He said he'll be back at 6," I told him,

There was an awkward silence between us, we haven't really been alone together ever since he proposed to me a week ago. Things have gotten really awkward since then, and the lewd noises from next door were making things extremely awkward between us right now

"So, we should go change his oil," I told Mikey as I got up from the bed and headed out the door. He then grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.

"That takes like 30 minutes right?" Mikey asked me.

"Well yeah," I told him, "Do you want me to change the oil of your bike too? It's been months since I last changed it"

"I was thinking of doing something else," Mikey told me. I'm confused, I raised my eyebrow at him.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Round 2?" He said cheekily,

My eyes grew wide, my face started heating up and my heart started to race. I didn't know what to say or how to react, I was dumbfounded.

"Wait!" I said, embarrassed. He just laughed at me and pulled me toward's Draken's bed.

Wait! Wait! Wait! We're doing it here? In Draken's room? In Draken's bed?

"What would Draken think?!" I tried to talk some sense into him.

"Why do you think he'd be gone for 3 hours?" Mikey told me, what?! Draken knew about this and he allowed it?!

"Mikey!!!" I whined, completely embarrassed. He just laughed at me and pulled me closer to him, locking his lips with mine.

All I say is, we lasted longer than 3 hours.

It was around past 7 when Mikey and I decided to call it quits. I couldn't make eye contact with him, I just hid under the covers from embarrassment.

"If we get married, we could do this every day" I heard Mikey joked.


"I'm going to get dressed now" I mumbled embarrassed, I grabbed the blanket and picked up my clothes from the floor, and headed to the bathroom.

After getting dressed, I headed back into the bedroom and saw Mikey dressed as well.

"Shall we go fix that bike?" Mikey said as he extended his hand out for me.

Once we headed out of the room, Draken was waiting outside with his arms crossed, looking pretty annoyed.

"I gave you 3 hours and it still wasn't enough?!" He said.

"Sorry, Ken-chin, we kind of got carried away," Mikey told Draken.

"I'll go fix your bike," I said as I fled from the scene and headed to the garage where Draken's bike was.


The following day...

We all met up and brought our things and letter to put in the capsule. I'm kind of happy with what I brought, I can't wait to dig this up in 12 years.

"What did you bring?" I heard Peh asked Mitsuya

"There's no fun if we tell now" Mitsuya answered.

"It's going to be a long time before we open it up again, we'll definitely forget what we wrote" Angry pointed out.

"Well, that's the thrill of a time capsule!" Hakkai responded.

"I'm looking forward to what's going to happen!" Draken commented.

"This is going to be fun" Smiley added.

"Where ever we are in 12 years, let's promise to meet here again," I told everyone, and they all nodded.

"Don't forget guys, in 12 years on Toman's formation day, let's meet again!" Mikey said.

"You all better be here when that day comes, right Mikey?" I told them, Mikey smiled and nodded.

One by one we all placed our letter and important thing in the time capsule. Draken and Hakkai helped buried the capsule in the ground, I placed a weird shape rock over it so we could remember where we buried it.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us, especially for Mikey and me.

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