SC 30. Gone? No...

325 15 2

Keran's POV

I was slowly pulled out of my sleep haze as I repeatedly blinked. I was only completely brought out of it as I realized how pitch black everything is. Things weren't like this when I fell asleep. It's also so quiet. What's going on?

I rubbed at my eyes and let them adjust to the darkness. From what I could tell, all the others are still fast asleep. I blindly searched for my phone. Pure darkness was fine with me, but why all of a sudden? Is there a blackout in Southshire or something?

I looked around and my blood literally went cold as I saw a silhouette of someone sitting at the corner of the room. Just about two meters away from me. I clamped a hand over my mouth as a shriek nearly slipped out. Getting over the scare and my eyes finally adjusted, I came to realize that it's only Yuxin. I nearly got a heart attack.

I shook the fear off before letting out a huge sigh of relief. I wonder what she's doing up when it's pitch black and we can't really see anything. I just shrugged. Smart people can act odd sometimes. I shifted to lie back down next to Lin Fan. But then, I froze. It's pitch black. Yuxin.

I sat up again and turned to her. Oh, no. I hurriedly grabbed my phone and turned the flashlight on. I stood up and walked towards her. She was resting against the wall, curled up on herself and quiet. My brows furrowed. She wasn't crying. But then again, she was very tensed.

"Yuxin?" I whispered quietly, because I don't know how she'll react to sudden noises. She didn't respond, only a small flinch was made. If even, her head buried further into her arms. Trying to hide away. I could hear her breathing as I settled myself in front of her.

"Yuxin." I called out again, slightly louder this time as I set my phone on the ground. "It's okay. It's not dark now." I assured and put a hand on her shoulder.

But still, there was nothing and she just moved away. But I could tell that she was not all right. Internally, I was mildly starting to panic as well. See, this is one of the disadvantages of her, being so reserved. I've never encountered her like this and I don't know what to and what not to do in her case.

Her breaths were sharp and audible. And I chewed at my bottom lip in hesitation. "E-erm, wait here, okay? Don't panic. It's not dark, I promise. Don't panic." I rambled and I don't even know if I'm telling her or myself.

I got up again, leaving the light with her as I moved back to Lin Fan. "Fan..." I whispered as I patted her on the arm to wake her up. "Fanfan... wake up!" I called out in a hush and continued patting her on the arm.

"Hmm? W-what?" She grumbled, voice thick with sleep as she, thankfully, started waking up.

"Something's going on with Yuxin." I told her and shook her again. "I don't know what to do." I mumbled and looked back to check up on Yuxin. She's still in the same position as earlier.

I slightly backed away as Lin Fan slowly sat up, her eyes half closed and yawning. "What's up with her?" She grumbled and rubbed at her eyes.

"I think she's having a panic attack." I answered as we slowly stood up.
"What? Why?" She asked again, this time sounding more awake.
"It's dark. I think there's a black out." I said and pointed to Yuxin.

I followed behind Lin Fan as we returned to Yuxin in hopes of helping her out. I would have just left Yuxin alone and give her space to calm herself down, but her breathing pattern was alarming. It's almost like she's fighting for every inhale she makes.

"Yuxin." Lin Fan called out and patted her a couple of times on the arm. "You need to calm down and clear your mind, okay? See, it's not dark anymore. We have a flashlight here." She added in a quiet voice.

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