69. Person C To A

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Lin Fan's POV

"This is so exciting!" I exclaimed in pure excitement as we made our way to Y/N's house.

"How the hell are you so energetic?" Xiaotang groaned before letting out a yawn.
"It's only 7 am. It's too early."

I ignored her completely and continued walking. She just doesn't understand because she's never been to Y/N's house in the morning. Aunt Hua makes an incredible breakfast. My mouth is already drooling and my stomach's also starting to rumble. I purposely ate only a little just so I can enjoy the food here more.

"Aunt Hua makes amazing breakfast food." Yu Yan spoke up an di nodded in confirmation.
"I already ate but I'm getting hungry again." Keran said as she walked beside me.

I grinned back at her. At least she gets my vibe unlike the others. We're all headed towards Y/N's house to help her out with the pastries like we talked about. Xiaotang and Yu Yan aren't really thrilled with going this early, but the mention of food sated them just fine. While Yuxin, well she's quiet as usual.

It didn't take long before we finally reached our destination. As I was in the front, I took it to my own to ring the doorbell, impatiently waiting to be let in. the door open and we're greeted by a smiling Aunt Hua. Just from that, it's clear that Y/N didn't take after Auntie's cheerfulness.

"Oh, you're here already. Come in, Y/N's still getting ready." She smiled at us and opened the door wider. We all shuffled in, greeting her in the process.

"Have you kids eaten yet? There's some waffles in the kitchen. Come, eat. You shouldn't skip breakfast." Aunt Hua asked or more like stated as she grabbed Yu Yan and tugged her towards the kitchen, making us follow suit.

"Umm, Auntie, we're a bit behind time, actually." Yuxin suddenly spoke up, making all of us turn to her in disbelief.

Is she serious? We were just about inches away from getting food and she had to completely stop it. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to move over and slap her on the head. Who in their right mind, would reject good food? One Liu Yuxin, apparently.

"Oh? No worries! I can just pack some for all of you. Let me just get the containers, okay?" Aunt Hua brushed it off an before any of us could speak, she disappeared.

"Yuxin, why would you say no to food?" Keran groaned in complaint.
"It's already 7:10. We need to get to school before 8, to prepare and it takes a while from here to school." Yuxin nonchalantly answered and none of us could say anything back.

I let out a small huff before sitting on one of the chairs. At least we'll still get to eat. Anyway, what's taking Y/n so long to get ready? Five whole minutes of silence passed and she haven't come down yet. Even when Aunt Hua already came back.

"Alright, make sure to eat-"


All of us jolted and jerked from shock as a scream echoed in the whole house and it felt like it shook the walls. The sound of a door slamming open followed and the sound of rushed footsteps. We immediately scrambled to go to the living room. It sounded like Y/N.

"Liu Yiyun! I'm gonna kill you!"

We heard Y/N yell out again. We heard someone laughing as the steps descended down the stairs. All of us stood in confusion as a short-haired girl dashed down and into the living room, still laughing loudly. She looks familiar to me somehow.

"Amber?" I mumbled and sure enough, she turned to me.
"Ei, Lin Fan! Long time no see! You too, Yu Yan." She greeted and waved at us.

She's Amber Liu or Liu Yiyun as Y/N insisted on calling her. She's Y/N's cousin who lives somewhere in the states as a performer of some sort. She rarely comes over. I think the last time was almost three years ago. I awkwardly waved back at her, still confused as to what she did to Y/N.

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