SC 4. Jue The Peculiar

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After that awkward argument with Chen Jue and Xi'ai and when they've finally calmed down and came back to their senses, we all went back to our task. Though this time, I sat between Chen Jue and An Qi. It's still so awkward honestly, but no one commented on it any further. At least not after Chen Jue glared daggers at them.

Still then, I remained quiet and kept to myself. For the past few minutes, all I was doing was staring at a blank piece of paper in front of me. Whole heartedly hoping that the lyrics would just pop out of nowhere. Why is it suddenly hard for me to write something? Maybe its because the other groups are loud and excited.

"Oh, great spirit of ideas, come to me! I need you. My brain needs you!" An Qi chanted with her eyes closed in concentration.

"Oh my god, it's working! 'Ignite the passion with the roar of my heart, release the other you trapped within your body' thank you great spirit of ideas! I am no longer an idiot." She cheered and wrote the lyrics down with a grin on her face.

"What?" I mumbled in confusion as I looked at her, perplexed. Maybe I should do that too? But I'll look like a freaking lunatic.

I pursed my lips before turning back to my paper. I'm not used to writing in such a loud room. That must be why I'm having such a hard time. I stared at it for a couple more minutes, trying to rack my brain for anything to write down. Seconds and minutes passed, and still nothing.

I let out a small groan and rubbed at my face in pure exasperation. I know by now that I can't just force the ideas out of me. I let out a huff and pouted. I hate when this happens. I want to write but I don't know what to write. How come my groupmates are having zero to none difficulties in writing?

My eyes scanned them ,wondering how they manage to do it. Then my eyes landed on Chen Jue. She's really strange and intriguing. Cards are laid down on her desk and from time to time, she would pick one out before writing on her paper. Are those tarot cards?

"What are you doing?" I asked out, continuing to watch her in masked awe.
"Writing." She answered plainly as she put down a card.

"I mean what are those cards for." I rolled my eyes.
"Tarot cards. To give ideas." She said.

"So... you're a fortune teller and a love expert?" I commented and she gave me a glance.

"I never said that. My family are love experts. Not me." She replied, face still blank.
"Right." I mumbled and turned away from her.

I've come to realize that I am not really the best at making conversation. Much more if the one I'm talking to is Chen Jue, who doesn't seem to like talking or any form of socialization. But she and Xi'ai were together, surely Xi'ai's hyper bright personality would've rubbed off her.

"Do you want me to read your future?" Chen Jue suddenly offered, making me lean away from her.
"No, thanks." I answered and shook my head, slightly weirded out by the suddenness.

"Oh, I wanna! Read my future, Chen Jue!" An Qi volunteered and stood in front of us.
"I wanna know if I'll get a boyfriend soon!" She added excitedly.

Chen Jue nodded in agreement. I watched as she took the deck of cards and fluidly shuffled it in her hands. She did it for a few more times before laying all of them down on the table, face down. It's actually really cool.

"Now pick three. Run your hand over and pick the ones with the strongest pull." Chen Jue instructed.

Our group watched as An Qi ran her hand above the cards before slowly picking three of them. Chen Jue hummed before she took the other cards and put them in a neat pile before turning to the three cards that An Qi picked. I watched in silent wonder and awe as Chen Jue worked. She unveiled the cards one by one and started explaining things to An Qi who is listening eagerly. Can Chen Jue actually read the future?

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