27. Normality

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"Are you really fine?"

"Yeah, in the scale of 1 to 100, are you a 101?"

"I think you should rest more. You should go back home."

"I agree with Yu Yan. I'll even go with you."

"Nice try, Lin Fan."

"What do you mean? I'm being kind here."

"Yeah, right."

"You guys, I'm fine." I interrupted Lin Fan and Yu Yan. I'm growing tired of their bickering ever since they saw me on the bus and up until now when we're already at Southshire High.

"Yeah, every time you say you're fine now, we don't know if we should believe you or not." Yu Yan said and crossed her arms while giving me a stern stare.
"Last time you said that, you were in Class A with a fever and a cold." Lin Fan added.

I let out a huff at that, not knowing what to say next. I'm already feeling better. My fever already went down on Saturday and I spent my weekend cooped up in my room and resting. Mom even forbid me from studying, saying that I should give my brain a break. But yes, I'm truly fine now.

It's understandable that they're worried. I guess I did give them quite a scare last week. Even on the weekend, we constantly talked to each other on the phone. They've been nagging more like moms than best friends, but it's honestly sweet and all.

"I promise. I'm already feeling better." I assured softly, giving them a small smile and even raising my right hand. The two of them looked at each other as if silently communicating with their eyes. I let out a huff of disbelief and dropped my hand while pursing my lips into a thin line. For a few moments, they just stayed like that. the only movement being made is the raise of their eyebrows.

"Okay, fine." Yu Yan muttered after a while and they both turned to look back at me.
"But, we'll still make sure that you'll take it easy." Lin Fan added, making me just nod in agreement since I know that it's something non-negotiable.

"Lee Y/N!"

We all turned as someone suddenly called out to me. My brows furrowed as I saw Jiaqi literally bounding towards us. She enthusiastically waved and continued running until she's finally standing in front of us and slightly panting. She took a few moments to get it all together before smiling widely at us.

"Y/N, I was so worried about you! I wanted to contact and check up on you, but I didn't have your number. Are you better now?" She asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah, I am. Thanks for asking." I answered and flashed a smile at her. I haven't forgotten about her being nice.

"Aiya! You're really cute!" She cooed before taking a deep breath.
"Ei! Y/N is off limits to flirting." Lin Fan mumbled, making me let out a small laugh along with Yu Yan.
"I wasn't flirting! Anyway, have you eaten? Here's some food." Jiaqi said and a faint shade of pink appeared on her cheeks as she handed me a paper bag.

I accepted it and curiously looked inside. This won't be the first time that she's giving me food. In Fact, I decided to be her friend because she offered me food. And I know by now that she doesn't take no for an answer. I smiled a bit wider when the smell of apples, cinnamon and chocolate filled my senses.

"It's apple turnovers and hot chocolate. Since I noticed your obsession with apples." Jiaqi said , making me look up at her. I could feel the heat of embarrassment on my cheeks as I heard Lin Fan and Yu Yan let out small snickers.

"Thanks, Jiaqi. About your hoodie though, I still haven't washed it." I informed but she just waved dismissively.
"Nah, that's yours already. I told you." She said and left no room for argument.

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