68. Dumb, Dumb

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Lin Fan's POV

I groaned out and slumped on my seat. I stayed like that for a few seconds, staring at the ceiling out of pure boredom. I pouted and looked at Yu Yan who's busy studying, like usual. I'm beginning to wonder how she never seems to run out of things to study. Y/N isn't here, she's called by the Class B earlier.

"Yu Yan, I'm bored." I complained in a whine to get her attention.
"Go study." She answered, not even turning to look at me.

"I'm too lazy to study." I huffed and rested my cheek on my palm to watch her.

I've got nobody else to bother now, except for her. Y/N's not here and even then, she's still a bit distant and the others are a big no-no. It's not like I'm close enough to them to shamelessly bother them. With a sigh, I stared off into space, getting lost in my random thoughts.

"Yu Yan..." I groaned. If boredom could kill, I'd already be six feet under. She didn't answer.

"Yu Yan... Yan Yu..."

"I'm hungry."


"Yu Yan..."

"I'm bored."

"Pete's sake! Shut up, Lin Fan." She turned and glared at me.
"You're too mean! Is that what a good friend would do?" I widened my eyes and faked a hurt expression.

"Go bother someone else, Lin Fan. I don't have food." She groaned this time and turned back to her book.

"But Yu Yan, everyone else is busy doing I don't know what." I complained.
"Go find something to entertain yourself with." She said.

I let out a defeated sigh as I turned away from her to look for something else to do. There's really nothing to do. Almost half of the class is out doing, again, I don't know what. I'd go out too, but I'm too lazy to do that. I'll just get tired walking around.

"Hey Yu Yan, look at Yuxin." I whispered to Yu Yan, still keeping my eyes on Yuxin.
"What now?" Yu Yan grumbled as she closed her book.
"Just look." I answered.

Yuxin is sitting on her seat and seemingly staring of into space. Which would be usual since that's what she does all the time, but the one thing that's different is the expression on her face. She seems rather fond as she smiles into space, fingers on her lips.

"That's... weird." Yu Yan mumbled, making me nod.
"I know. What do you think she's thinking of?" I whispered back.

"I don't know. Y/N, maybe?" She answered.
"I think something happened between them."

I looked away from Yuxin and back to Yu Yan. My brows furrowed in confusion. The gears in my head are turning. "What do you mean? What happened?"

Yu Yan let out a huff. One moment later, she had grabbed me by the shoulder and is tugging me closer to her. I let out a yelp and was about to protest, but she shushed me with narrowed eyes. She then pointed back to Yuxin, making me look too.

"Now Lin Fan, I'm gonna teach you the art of reading body language." She started, making me glance at her.
"Where'd you learn that? do you like, take lessons?" I asked curiously and she pinched my side.

"Hell no, I'm broke as fuck. Just watch Sherlock on Netflix. Anyway, back to main point." She said as I huffed.

"It's quite obvious that she's in deep thought and it must be fond and happy for her cause she's smiling." She started again.
"Now Lin Fan, around whom does Yuxin smile the most and laugh with?"

"Ugh, Y/N. Cause they're close...?" I answered in hesitation. She might pinch me again.
"Correct. Now look at her hands." She instructed and pointed.

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