52. Half Past One

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"I can't wait for the day when you finally say 'Lin Fan and Yu Yan were right all along. I do like Yuxin. I was just too dumb to realize sooner'."

I tore my eyes away from the closed door to give Yu Yan a piercing glare. She only rolled her eyes at me before turning her attention back to the lyrics sheets. I let out a groan as I walked back to my swivel chair.

I don't want to have yet another conversation about this. It's like for everything Yuxin and I do, they've always got something to say about it for reasons I still don't know and badly want to. I just couldn't figure it out because to me, those things, what Yuxin and I do, don't mean anything but friendly gestures. it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

"Yu Yan, can't you just straight up tell me what's all of this about?" I sighed in exasperation and rest my head back on my seat.
"I don't understand where all you are coming from."

I looked at her across the desk. She didn't say anything and it's clear that she's ignoring me and have zero intention to reply. My eyes narrowed in on her as she continued to act and busy herself with jotting down notes.

"Yu Yan." I groaned out to annoy her.
"Lee Y/N." She said back and gave me a blank look.

I defiantly crossed my arms and stared back at her. She let out a sigh and shook her head before leaning back on her chair. Is it that hard to say out loud? Why can't this brain of mine just function well and figure it all out? They keep nagging and going on and on about how I apparently like Yuxin and whatever.

I honestly don't see it. Those things were just innocent and friendly gestures. nothing that should be fretted about. Even though it's new and shocking because Yuxin's the one doing those.

"Actually, I have quite an example, Y/N." Yu Yan spoke up. My eyes only narrowed at her.
"Don't try to divert the topic, Yu Yan. Answer me first." I said.

"Look. Your situation now, is something I'm not really a hundred percent sure about. Maybe just ninety percent. I'm sure you'll figure it out soon. Just try to use your gut instinct." She huffed and rolled her eyes.

I only mirrored her for her words. She's not a hundred percent but ninety percent sure. Like that's one big of a difference. Honestly, I'm starting to feel annoyed with all of these things and partly at them.

"If you won't tell me, then fine. I don't want to hear what you have to say either." I glared at her before turning my eyes and focusing on the piles of papers in front of me. I heard her let out a huff of annoyance, making me scoff. If there's someone who is annoyed, it should be me.

"Y/N, come on... we literally told you more times than enough." She complained but I didn't want to hear it anymore.
"We don't have to spoon feed everything to you. You need to realize things on your own."

"Tsk..." I scoffed, not looking up at her.

I reached over and took the headphones from the table and wore it over my ears. With that, I completely focused my attention to the work. That way, we'll finish early and then I won't have to stay here any longer than necessary. I jot notes into the lyrics sheet and annotate what should be kept and cut off.

I don't know if Yu Yan tried to talk to me in that span of time. But if ever she did, then her tries did not work. Before long, the pile of papers are gone and finished. Meaning we could finally go home and rest for the weekend. I stretched out my arms and sighed in relief.

It was a tedious task, alright. But I'm the slightest bit thankful that Ella Laoshi made us finish these today. At least we won't have anything to worry about for the weekend and even the week after. As she said 'do what you can do now. No better time than the present'.

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