19. The Arrival

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"What the hell..."

My jaws dropped in surprise as a huge truck stopped in front of mom, Minsu and I. It must've been twice the size of a regular huge truck. The man on the front seat went out and walked towards us with a clipboard on his hand.

"Good morning! Are you Mrs. Lee?" He asked, smiling at us.
"Yes, that's me." Mom answered before she slightly stepped forward.
"Great. These are the packages of Miss Kong Xue'er's things. You just need to sign here." The man said before handing the clipboard to mom along with a pen.

"I wish mom would just say no, so we don't have to deal with this so early on a Saturday morning." Minsu whispered to me, rubbing at his tired eyes and letting out a yawn.
"Me too, Minsu. Me too." I whispered back and let out a yawn as well.

I brought my hand up to my face and lightly rubbed at my eyes in hopes that it will help me get rid of the drowsiness I'm feeling. The soft material of my oversized, black hoodie made me feel cozier, not really helping my situation.

It's not like anyone could blame Minsu and I for feeling and being this way. It's only 8:50 in the morning and we grew accustomed to waking up at around 10 am on the weekends. That's why I looked like I just came out of my grave. My hair is still slightly wet from my shower but it's already thrown into a messy bun. I'm bare faced and hating the day.

"The only good thing about this is that Kong Xue'er isn't here." Minsu grumbled, making me hum and sling an arm around him.
"Yeah. At least she's not here and whining so early in the morning." I agreed.

"Alright. You guys can start taking the boxes." The man informed after mom handed him back the clipboard. My brows furrowed at his words.
"Excuse me. But won't there be any workers to help us move all those boxes?" I asked in confusion. No way are we able to finish all those boxes. There are hundreds!

"Oh, I'm really sorry. But Miss Kong Lia told us that workers won't be needed and they don't want to pay extra for the labor. So, what we can do is just move the boxes out of the truck." He informed, making me purse my lips in irritation.

How the hell can those two, Miss Kong and her daughter, manage to still annoy us without even their presence. I looked at Minsu to see that his already annoyed expression has gotten worse. While mom, she looks troubled. She's staring at the gigantic truck in front of us. Worry lines are starting to appear on her forehead.

"Oh, that would be okay... We can manage it." She finally said, still hesitant.
"Alright, boys! Start unloading!" The man shouted before he turned away from us and started to supervise his workers.

Our family of three just watched on quietly as they started to unload. I won't lie when I say that for every box I see being placed on the front of our house. I felt my irritation growing more and more and my soul leaving my body.

"Why the heck is there so many? She's just staying for six months at most. Not forever!" I gasped out as they finally finished.
"No way are all of these going to fit into your room, jie." Minsu added and I couldn't agree more.

The truck has already driven away, leaving the three of us with a herd of boxes that contains all the things of someone we don't exactly like. I rubbed at my nape as I tried to think of how all these things could fit in my room.

"Okay, kids. They're not gonna take and move themselves. So, let's start!" Mom said, trying to be cheerful but Minsu and I just aren't catching on to the same vibes.
"For now, let's just move them to the living room, okay?" She said before stacking one box on top of another and carrying it to bring inside the house.

"Come on, Minsu." I groaned out before also picking up some boxes to bring inside. I heard him let out a defeated sigh but complied nonetheless.

The process of picking up boxes, walking inside the house, dropping them on the living room and repeat, is simply tedious! We were already able to make about ten trips but it's like the boxes aren't decreasing at all. Another groan of protest left my lips as I stood in front of the pile that still needs to be taken inside the house.

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