SC 11. Another Day

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A week has passed by so quick. It was filled of nothing but relentless practicing and trying to prepare ourselves for this day. We would finally be presenting our performance and be given our final grades for the project.

To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I'm terrified, alright? The last time that Lisa Laoshi checked up on us, she didn't look particularly happy and satisfied with our work. That is one of the factors why I've been put on edge.

I have gotten used to being praised for my works and outputs. Hearing Lisa Laoshi critique us was kind of a downfall. At least that's what it felt like to me. But that's to be expected. You cannot live life, thinking that it's all happy things and unicorn shit.

Right now, I'm already on my way to school on a bus. Yiyun has actually insisted that she takes Minsu, Kong Xue'er and I to school, but I declined as u wanted to go early for some last-minute preparations and the like. If I chose to go along them, I would still be stuck at home now.

It wasn't so bad sitting on the bus, alone, in the morning. In fact, I think I should do this more often. Everyone just needs a quiet time every now and then. It gave me time to think and prepare myself for the day.

The sky is still a bit blue and the yellow orange of the rising sun is slowly mixing in to the canvas-like expanse. Blending in, ever so subtly. Making you realize what had happen after it's already done.

"Such poetic thoughts..." I mumble under my breath. Watching as my words turned into droplets of moisture and fogged up the window.
"Wonder what's gotten into me."

I reached over, drawing an infinity symbol on the glass, the other side turning out rounder than the other. I huffed and drew a lightning bolt right in the middle, striking through it.

I rested my head against it and closed my eyes instead. I doubt the others are going to catch this same bus. It's only six in the morning, after all. It would be a surprise if they do.

It wasn't long before the bus finally stopped in front of the school gates. I stood up and walked over to the front to get off. As expected, no one's really around yet. Except for the guard, whom I showed my ID and bowed to.

It's nice. Although the peacefulness was a peculiar contrast to how the school is usually loud. I like it. A yawn left my lips as I started to walk towards one of the practice rooms to, of course, practice and prepare.

"Wake up, Lee Y/N." I told myself as I rubbed my eyes and slightly patted my cheeks.

I opened the door, only to freeze as I realized that it's already occupied. I swear, for a split second, I thought that I was going to have a heart attack as the thought of seeing a ghost flashed in my mind like a cruel scene.

"Y/N? You're here early."

The ghost- I mean the person said, making me look up to see who it is.

"Jiaqi?" I mumbled.

This point, I decided to step inside the room, getting over my shock and fear. She walked to the corner to turn to music off. I walked to the side and placed my bag beside hers. I guess staying here won't be so bad compared to being alone. Now that I think of it, didn't Chen Jue say that this place's haunted?

"You're early." I commented as I stretched my arms over my head for a warmup.
"Always am when there's a performance. I get really excited." She answered with a grin.

"So... how's life going?" She asked as she walked back to the center of the room.
"Why'd you talk as if we haven't seen each other in years?" I let out a sigh as I stretched my back.

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