SC 12. Bright

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Keran's POV

"I'm nervous!" I breathe out as I tried to shake my nerves off.

We are just a few minutes away from performing on the stage. Our class is cooped up in our room and getting ready. It's really messy and we're all over the place. Some are getting ready and the others are just as nervous as I am.

I took a deep breath as I tried to get rid of my nerves. I sat down on the stool again. Lin Fan's focused on fixing her hair and that resulted to silence. I'm already done getting ready. I let out a huff and she glanced at me, pausing from what she's doing.

"I'm sure you'll do great, Ranran." She assured with a smile before she turned back to the mirror.

How come she seems to be so calm right now? Shouldn't it be the other way around because I perform on stage a lot while she rarely do so. A pout rested on my lips as I just watched her. The tip of her tongue poked out in the slightest as she focused on curling her hair.

"There, I'm done." Lin Fan stated as she put the curling iron down.
"You look good, Fanfan." I complimented and she turned to me, cheeks becoming pink.

"Thanks, you look pretty too, Ranran." She grinned at me.

"Oh wait, Y/N!" She suddenly turned to the side and pulled at Y/N who was just about to pass by.
"What?" Y/N groaned as Lin Fan kept her hold on her wrist.

"You need to help me with my eye liner!" Lin Fan said and held up the eyeliner.

"I'm still looking for Xiaotang." Y/N answered and stared down at Lin Fan.
"Xiaotang's with Shuxin at Class B." I spoke up and she turned to me, brows furrowed.

"So that's where she's hiding... that utter idiot." She then mumbled under her breath.

"Whatever! Just help me first, Y/N! Don't forget that Ranran and me, caught you and Yuxin-"
"Yah! Just for how long are you planning to use that against me, huh? Y/N was quick to cut Lin Fan off and clamped a hand over her mouth.

I couldn't help but let out a laugh, only to immediately stop as Y/N glared at me. It's been a few hours since we caught her and Yuxin. When they walked into the practice room where we were having our preparations. Remembering the priceless looks on their faces would be enough to send me laughing my lungs out. Besides, I never took Yuxin as bold enough to drag Y/N into a room just to have their private activities.

"Aiya, don't be too embarrassed Y/N. I think it's a normal phase." Lin Fan comforted but it didn't even help as Y/N just glared at the two of us.
"Shut up. Give me that so we can get this over with." Y/N snapped before she snatched the eyeliner from Lin Fan.

I watched as she uncapped the liner and Lin Fan turned to her, eyes closed and leaning upwards to her. y/N just let out a huff and was about to start lining Lin Fan's eyes when Lin Fan suddenly let out a laugh and leaned away from Y/N, who pursed her lips in pure annoyance.

"Sorry, just that, your face is too serious." Lin Fan laughed out.
"Your eyes were closed, dumbass." Y/N pointed out and whacked Lin Fan on the head.

"Stop laughing, Fanfan." She complained as a few seconds passed and Lin Fan didn't stop.
"Okay, okay. I'll stop." Lin Fan breathe in and closed her eyes again.

Y/N clicked her tongue in annoyance before she moved in again to start applying the liner to Lin Fan's eyes. As she moved, the sleeves of her costume also moved and it revealed a dark red, almost purple, patch on her arm. Is that a bruise? Judging from the appearance, it didn't look old. My brows furrowed. That couldn't be nothing. It's too wide to be considered as an accident. The bruise almost wrapped all around her arm. She finally finished with Lin Fan and her sleeve covered up her arm again.

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