53. Spontaneity

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The air is cold and it's a quiet night. Only the sound of my breath and the collision of the sole of my shoes against the concrete, accompanied me. A sigh left my lips as I wrapped my coat tighter around my body. What could have happened to Yuxin and she thought that it's an oh, so great idea to be out this late? And might I mention that it's also freezing.

I didn't even bother to change out of my night attire just so I can get out of the house as soon as I could while still avoiding being caught by mom or Minsu. It was a difficult task, given that the floors would creek for every move I make. Mom would've killed me before I could even step outside if she caught me.

For the record, I don't even exactly know why I also decided to follow Yuxin out here. Where it's cold and unforgiving, instead of just staying inside the house and sleeping on my warm bed. Maybe it's the inkling worry that is unpleasantly settling on my stomach.

Surely, she's out because of some serious reason. I mean, no one wakes up at 1 in the morning and decides that they want to take a walk in the park. What's more confusing is that she ended up on the convenience store near mom's shop. I distinctly remember that their house is more or less, ten minutes away.

I shook all my questions to the side for the mean time and tried to walk faster. I hugged the folded coat to my chest. I brought it with me just in case Yuxin needs it.

Soon enough, I finally arrived at the end of the intersection and I could already see the bright, neon green light of the store. There was a single car parked outside and I immediately recognized it as auntie's. Is she here for Yuxin?

My pace slows down and reduced into a cautious one. If auntie is there, then I'll just turn and go back home. I peeked on the side and saw that the store is almost empty. Well, except for the woman on the cashier and a slumped over figure on one of the tables. No sight of auntie.

With that, I walked to the door and steppe in, the bells hanging from the door, chiming pleasantly. Now, where's Yuxin? I let out a small huff as I scanned the area. My eyes then landed on the figure on the table. That has to be her. Her hair and pierced ears were enough of a giveaway. So, I walked towards her, still slowly as I might be wrong.

"Psst... Yuxin." I called out quietly, stopping a few feet away. I heard her let out a grumble before shifting.
"Y/N?" She asked, still not lifting her head from her arms.

"Yeah. Unless you also called for the other." I answered in a mumble.
"What the hell is going on?"

I let out a sigh and continued to walk towards her. I pulled back a chair and settled down into it, leaving one empty seat between us. I looked at her, waiting for an answer. Instead of giving me one, she just stared at me, blinking. My brows furrowed as she didn't make a move to sit up. The only thing I could see form her face is her right eye.

"You came..." She mumble softly. Even though I can't see her lips, I could tell that she's smiling form the way that her eye is curving into a crescent. I let out a huff as she avoided my question.

"Of course! No one would call someone at 1:30 in the morning if it isn't important. Unless you've come out of your mind and called me here for nothing. Now please answer my question." I slightly demanded.

I heard her let out a small sigh and she shook her head. My eyes ran over her figure, trying to find out for myself what could be wrong. That's when I noticed what she's wearing. It's a body suit. The same one she was wearing when I saw her racing. Did she race and got into another fight like last time?

Silence enveloped us as she still refused to respond to me. And honestly, I'm getting the urge to just yank and pull her to an up right position. If I can fully see her face, then I'd be able to tell if she got into a fight or not. She's still looking at me, no intentions of speaking up.

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