36. Truce

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I think fate is playing a game on me. Out of all the people, of course, it has to be Liu Yuxin and her friends who saw us. Nonetheless, I am thankful of who it was as long as they aren't those boys we were running away from.

I am still pretty much flushed against Liu Yuxin as she continued to ramble on and on. But my mind can't understand and make out any of it because she is speaking way too fast. My eyes turned to the side and I saw Keran and Xiaotang behind her, both out of breath but looking shocked of what's happening.

"Hey, I'm asking if you're alright!" Liu Yuxin said again and this time, I understood what she's saying.

My eyes went back to her as she pulled away to look at me. I became aware of her grip on my shoulders as she gave a squeeze, waiting for my answer. Her brows are furrowed in confusion and her appearance is frazzled as if they've been chased as well.

Snapping out of my daze, I finally realized how close we're standing next to each other. I hastily pulled away and stepped back as I wordlessly nodded to her question. My breath is still coming out in short puffs but it's slowly going back to normal.

"Concerned, much?" I heard Keran mumbled from the side.
"What an unbelievable sight." Xiaotang added.

My eyes went towards them and saw the two of them looking at us in amusement and a knowing twinkle in their eyes. I glanced back at Liu Yuxin and saw that she's still looking at me and being under her intense gaze, makes me slightly self-conscious and I turned away from them.

Honestly, I'm a bit taken aback by her action. I mean, she's Liu Yuxin. She couldn't care less. And I thought that her, acting all weird and different was just a phase and was because she was sick. Well, I might be wrong. How weird.

"What the hell was that...?" Lin Fan breathe out as she finally straightened up.
"Didn't you see? Yuxin just hugged Lee-"

"Not that! Why were they chasing you, Yu Yan?" I cut Xiaotang off and huffed as I looked at Yu Yan.
"Yeah, I thought he doesn't like you anymore?" Lin Fan added, as confused as I am.

I took a deep breath as I fixed myself and brushed a hand through my hair in dire hope of taming it down. As I did so, I didn't fail to notice the burn of the stare in the back of my head. I glanced back in confusion and locked eyes with Liu Yuxin once again. She hasn't spoken a word since her rambles earlier. I rose a brow in silent question but she just shook her head with a small smile on her lips.

"He doesn't like me anymore. But now, he wants to get back at me for kicking him in the face." Yu Yan answered, making Lin Fan choke.

"What?!" I turned away from Liu Yuxin and looked at Yu Yan in shock.
"You mean you have them all, after you? There's at least ten of them!" I pointed out in disbelief.

Yu Yan let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose in thought. It's no surprise that she's stressed out. I mean, I know I would be, too, if I was in her position. I anxiously bit at my lips as Lin Fan and I shared a look.

"So... What would you guys do now?" Keran asked as the three of them walked closer towards us.
"Nothing. They're just a bunch of girlies, honestly. They're not a problem." Yu Yan answered, making my eyes narrow on her.

Is she serious? Just minutes ago, she was running for her life and even dragged Lin Fan and I with her. And now, she's saying that it isn't a problem? She must be insane. I opened my mouth and was about to question her mental stability but she spoke again.

"Plus, Dalton is just an idiot. I told them my name's Sarah and I go to Northside High." She mumbled and walked out of the alleyway, making us follow her with our eyes.

Racing To You [Liu Yuxin x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora