62. Miss Perfect

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Kong Xue'er's POV

"Perfect." I stated with a satisfied grin as I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

I carefully examined myself to make sure that nothing's out of place and my lipstick isn't smudged or messy. What an embarrassment would that be. I stepped back and brushed off my uniform, getting rid of invisible dust and wrinkles. I meticulously checked my hair too.

Everything needs to be perfect for one Kong Xue'er. Letting out a small giggle as I winked at myself, I turned and entered one of the restroom stalls. I did what I had to do as fast as I can, not able to bear the stench of the stall. God, this school seriously needs a new interior designer. Just as I was about to make my exit, I heard the restroom door open, followed by multiple footsteps.

"Gosh! My pores are huge!"

"Tsk. You're ugly."

"Says you? Your teeth aren't pretty."

"Ugh! I have a zit on my chin!"

I rose a perfectly arched brow. It sounds as if the voices are coming from only one girl. They must be the infamous social climbers from Class D. Was it Chein Quadruplets? I don't know. They're irrelevant anyway. I rolled my eyes and was about to go out but I froze.

"Whatever. Have you noticed President Liu, lately?"

Yuxin? What about her? I curiously stepped closer to the stall door to hear them better. I shall know whatever's going on with Yuxin' life. We're practically soulmates. The perfect match of both perfect people. If only that nuisance, Lee Y/N, isn't always getting in the way.

"Duh! Everyone did. The student council said she's a lot less strict."

"The dance club too!"

"They also said she's a lot more smiley. I wonder why?"

"Maybe she's in love. You know what they say, it does miracles."

A wide grin stretched my red lips. My Yuxin, in love? Of course! I know that it's only a matter of time before she actually falls for me. I mean, it's predictable. I've been told a lot of times in my life that no one can ever resist my charms. How could one, not fall in love with perfection?

"In love with who? I don't think there's ever been news about her falling in love or even dating."

Who else but me? Kong Xue'er, of course.

"Maybe Kong Xue'er?"

I grinned with brimming confidence. That's right.

"HA! You're kidding right?"

"Yeah. President Liu hates that clingy and crazy banshee."

My mouth gaped open at their words. Peasants! What did they just call me? A banshee? I grit my teeth in irritation. Fools. My foot looks better than all four of them combined. Their laughter echoed and filled the room. Bitches. Just so you wait. You won't see what will hit you.

"Buy you know who President Liu must be in love with? Lee Y/N."

Lee Y/N. Just the thought of her is enough to make me want to throw up. Why does everything have to be about her? She's not the only human being in here. I clenched my fists. No way in hell is Yuxin in love with her. That's impossible. That girl doesn't even know one thing about what looks good and what doesn't.

She's like this annoying stain on a white shirt that just won't go away. She keeps ruining things for me and she thinks she's entitled to everything just because she's smart. That everything revolves around her. I hate her.

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