40. Moody Monday

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How in the hell is it Monday already? It's like I blinked only once and two day already passed and I found myself back here in this school. I'm actually just in time today. Early enough to witness the calmness of the school grounds with just a few students walking around. A typical Monday, in short.

I walked all alone and straight to our building since I pretty much don't have anything else to do. Maybe I'll just write the last remaining parts of my play in the classroom since I have much time to spare.

"Good morning, Y/N!" I abruptly stopped walking as Keran loudly greeted and appeared beside me.
"Is it really a good morning?" I sarcastically asked.

"Of course! Now I'm here and you can see this beautiful face, your morning couldn't be any better." She boasted, effectively making me roll my eyes.
"What a hoax." I huffed.

I looked at her in boredom before I slightly turned and saw Xiaotang and Yuxin walking behind us. Xiaotang gave a small smile and a wave as a greeting. While Yuxin remained nonchalant and chose to ignore my presence as she just walked pass us and straight to the stairs.

"Apparently, she's still not over it." Xiaotang mumbled as we all followed Yuxin with our eyes.
"Yup. I still blame Y/n for it." Keran said, making me immediately turn to her and narrow my eyes.

"How I could possibly be the one to blame, and for what?" I questioned and crossed my arms.
"Well, if you didn't agree to Xu Jiaqi's stupid deal, then she wouldn't act like that." Keran said.

"That doesn't make any sense. How could she be affected by something that isn't connected to her?" I rolled my eyes.

I pretty much don't understand them. Especially Keran and her vague words. Last Friday, after the football match, she was going crazy and rambling about how I made the mistake of agreeing to Jiaqi and two days have passed and I still don't understand a single thing about it.

"It doesn't make sense to you because you're oblivious." Xiaotang said, breaking my train of thoughts.
"I'm not." I defended.

"If you are, then why can't you figure out why Yuxin's like that?" She shot back.
"Exactly." She muttered after a few moments and I wasn't able to give them an answer.

My mouth opened and closed in attempt to make up another witty statement but no words left my mouth. I truly don't know how to reply to her. Giving up, I simply let out an annoyed huff and turned away from the two of them to go up our floor. If they don't want to tell me bluntly, then fine.

Why do I even bother to care if Yuxin's acting strange and all? I should be greatly happy that she's not acting clingy and annoying me anymore. Yes, I should be. I shouldn't be feeling all weird about it.

Once I reached our classroom, I went in and walked straight to my desk. Surprisingly, Lin Fan is already sitting on her desk. She's earlier than me today. I didn't say anything and sat down before taking my drafts out of my bag along with a pen. I might as well be productive than doing nothing at all.

"Hey, Y/n." Lin Fan called.
"Why does the room feel so tense?" She whispered, making me momentarily pause from writing.

"It's like it's coming from Liu Yuxin. Did you guys fight or something?" She asked again, making me look at her in disbelief.
"Geez, not everything is because of me, Fanfan. Who knows why she's like that." I shrugged before turning back to what I'm doing.
"You sure? Did you talk to her after what happened last Friday?"

At that, I completely stopped writing and looked at her suspiciously. It's getting suspicious how they're all pointing out to what happened last Friday as the cause of Yuxin's behavior today. And how they're ever so slightly putting some of the blame on me.

Racing To You [Liu Yuxin x Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin