SC 29. Stuck In Gray

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Alternate Title: To Be A Tofu


"Y/N, wake up!"

I groaned as I felt someone poking me again and again on the side. "What'd you want?" I grumbled and covered my face with my jacket.

"I found the perfect substitute for my weights for working out!" Yu Yan exclaimed, voice holding excitement that I can't reciprocate at the moment. I just hummed in reply to her, continuing to doze off.

"The fire extinguisher!" She announced and I felt her nudge me again.
"That's nice..." I commented, eyes still closed.

It's after lunch and I'm spending my time napping before practicing later again. But it seems like Yu Yan didn't get the memo as she's been casually talking for about three minutes now. Not minding the fact that I was half dozing off and can't even understand half of what she's saying.

"Hold on! Did you say fire extinguisher?" I shot up and nearly fell over again as dizziness hit me.

I shook the feeling off before properly looking at Yu Yan and indeed seeing the school's fire extinguisher on her lap. My brows furrowed before my eyes narrowed at her. She's completely nuts.

"What the heck? Put that back!" I facepalmed with another groan.
"But I need to do some work out." She defended and I rolled my eyes.

"Work out with something else. You'll get in trouble, Yu Yan." I pointed out.

"That's what I told her!" Lin Fan spoke up and took a seat beside me.
"Yah, why'd you let her take it?" I huffed and she pouted at me.

"I tried to, but she was scaring me!"

"And no one else tried?" I muttered and rolled my eyes again. Where was everyone else, anyway?

"They're all out on the field and playing. We came here to call you, actually. But Yu Yan got distracted." Lin Fan answered and eyed Yu Yan. "And reminder that the others are still waiting with the laoshis." She added.


With another groan of complaint, I rubbed at my face and grudgingly stood up to go with them. "Yu Yan, seriously. Return that before you get in trouble." I spoke up as I saw her still holding the fire extinguisher.

Much of a godforsaken thought but what will we do if the building suddenly set on fire and we can't take it out because Yu Yan's using the fire extinguisher to do some crunches?

"Fine." Yu Yan grumbled as she hung it up on the wall again. "So much for telling me I'm too serious." She huffed and rolled her eyes as she walked back to us.
"There's a line between being fun and being an actual nutcase." I said and only received a hit on the arm from her.

The three of us left the room to head to the field. I didn't even know what came over them and they all, all of a sudden, decided to play and get everyone involved in it. I would rather just stay in the room and sleep. I guess they just want to bond. It won't be long before we all officially graduate and leave the school, after all.

A few days ago, I wasn't really something that I'm bothered about. In fact, I couldn't wait for it. But now that it's drawing nearer and nearer, I didn't even expect that I would feel sad about it, but I am. The slightest bit, but it was there.

At the field, they were already there and just waiting for us. Already grouped into ten according to our song group choice. I went over to mine and stood next to Xiaotang. I stayed silent, waiting for the teachers to announce what we're going to do. All I hope for is that it'll be something worth sacrificing my sleep for.

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