9. Speaking Eyes

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I was just going with the flow and before I knew it, it's already the start of a new week. Monday. The weekend has surprisingly passed like a breeze after mom's outburst last Friday. After that, it's like they're almost scared of her, in a way that they managed to keep their traps shut for two days and they become wary of the things they say.

I guess its safe to say that the visit wasn't half bad. Well, apart from the occasional snide and shady remarks from Miss Kong and her daughter. Kong Weili was actually tolerable, and he got along with Minsu and I, primarily with me, since all Minsu and him do is banter with each other. He is honestly just like a big soft bear. Though often times he put this façade of a cold, arrogant and moody teenager.

Back to the point, it's already Monday and unlike usual, I very much look forward to it and not cursing it. I woke up unusually early today as well, and it may be because of the thought that today, this very morning, Miss Kong and her family are leaving and by the time Minsu and I come back this afternoon, everything would already be back to normal like nothing had even happened. Now here we are, in the kitchen eating breakfast at quarter to 6 and it's most probably because both parties are excited for the departure.

"Hey Minsu, pass me the syrup please." I spoke out and gave him a nudge before pointing to the bottle of syrup close to him.
"Here you go, jie jie!" Kong Weili, who sat next to Minsu, offered me the syrup before the boy could even reach out.

"I didn't know that your name is Minsu, now." Minsu grumbled as he snatched the bottle from Weili and handed it to me.
"You're just a slowpoke." Weili stated arrogantly before turning back to his plate of pancakes.
"Yah! You-"
"Stop, before mom gets mad." I nudged Minsu again as I whispered to him.

Fortunately, he listened and the rest of his words died on his tongue as he opted to just throw the 13 year old, a heated glare. I sighed and just let them be, figuring that it's too early in the morning and it isn't really that big of a deal to begin with. Humming to myself, I opened the syrup bottle and drizzled it on my pancakes.

"Why isn't there any strawberry jam?" Kong Xue'er asked from where she's sitting across Weili and next to her mother as she searched the variety of toppings in the center of the table.

"This is a strawberry free household, Y/N is allergic to them." Mom explained, which was followed by a barely audible gasp.
"Really? I'm allergic too." Weili interjected, making me turn to see him giving me one of his gummy smiles.
"No one asked." Minsu said, making me let out a small laugh as the smile completely vanished from Weili's face.

"Weili, quit fooling around and eat, so we can leave." Miss Kong sternly said, making everything turn quiet as all eyes are now trained on her.
"No, I'm not tolerating your whining, Kong Weili." Miss Kong snapped, cutting him off before he could even start speaking.

"Yeah, quit acting childish. You're what? 15 years old, not 5." Kong Xue'er added, making my brows furrow in confusion because isn't Weili just 13 years old?

"Xue'er, you're brother's only 14. He's a 2006 kid." Miss Kong corrected. Grimacing, I glanced at Weili to see that his face has grown grim.
"I'm just 13, mom. 2007." Weili quietly said.

As if a switch has suddenly been flipped, the cheerful and gummy smiling 13 year old completely turned back to how he was last Friday. Ridiculous. Really. How can they not know how old he is when they've been with him all his life? This must be why he is like how he is, so reserved and guarded.

I looked at Miss Kong, whom I expected to look at least sorry, but to my surprise, which by the way shouldn't be happening anymore, she doesn't look bothered one bit. Same goes for Kong Xue'er who just shrugged before continuing to eat. No one spoke, obviously because we don't know what exactly to say.

Racing To You [Liu Yuxin x Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें