41. Maybe, Just Maybe

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"Y/N, are you sure that you won't be auditioning for any role?" Lin Fan asked as she stood in front of my seated form.
"Yes, Fanfan." I answered lazily.

"But why?" She whined out, making me let out a sigh.
"I'm lazy." I answered bluntly with a yawn.

I blankly looked at her as she let out a groan of protest or maybe even annoyance at my nonchalance. She probably figured out that there's no use arguing and trying to convince me because she then turned to Yu Yan who is sitting beside me and reading a book. Eyes moving fast as they scanned her book.

"Yu Yan, Y/N doesn't want to audition!" Lin Fan protested.
"Yu Yan, Lin Fan won't stop annoying me." I shot back and crossed my arms.

"Yu Yan, Y/N should audition for a role in her own play!"

"Yu Yan, Lin Fan should stop annoying me before I whack her."

"Yu Yan, Y/N's being mean again!"

"Yu Yan, Lin Fan's being annoying again."

"Yu Yan-"

"Yu Yan-"

"Shut up, both of you! Don't wait until I stuff some grass into your throats!" Yu Yan threatened as she glared at Lin Fan and I.
"If I hear another argument, you're both eating grass and dirt." She added and spared us another glare before going back to reading.

Lin Fan and I didn't say anything else. We both know that Yu Yan is pretty damn much capable of really shoving some grass into our mouths. I let out a huff before settling back and closing my eyes while Lin Fan wandered off. Probably to find something interesting to do.

The audition for the play would be happening in a few more minutes from now. Lunch just ended and instead of being in the classrooms, all students are scattered around and everywhere. The teachers gave us the time to prepare for the audition and since I'm not participating, I took it as my merry time to nap under a tree in the field.

A lot of time of hours have passed and Yuxin has yet to apologize to Lin Fan for what she did yesterday. And of course, because of that, our groups have parted ways. That sounded overly dramatic, but yes. Keran and Xiaotang still talks to us, however, Yuxin, well, she's stubborn as she is.

"Look Y/N, I found a kitten!" Lin Fan exclaimed, making me open my eyes and look for her. She was bounding towards Yu Yan and I, hands clutching a white kitten which is letting out desperate yowls as it tries to get away from her.

"Should I make a run for it?" I whispered to Yu Yan.
"Should've a few seconds ago." She answered and before I could respond, Lin Fan's already squeezing between us, making me groan in protest as I'm forced to scoot away.

"Look Y/N, she's so cute and fluffy!" Lin Fan cooed at the kitten as she continued to pet it. "Meow!"

"She?" Yu Yan asked.
"Yeah, it's a girl!" Lin Fan confirmed as the kitten continued to try and get away from her.

"Well, she looks like she wants to be anywhere but here, Fanfan." I spoke up with a grimace as the kitten's claws dug on the sleeve of Lin Fan's uniform.

"Where did you even find her? Seriously, you left for not even 5 minutes and came back with a cat." I sighed and shook my head.
"It's our gardener's cat. So cute! Just look, Y/N!" Lin Fan cooed and brought the animal closer to her face.

The kitten didn't look pleased about it at all. It let out another yowl before it showed its claws as if to claw Lin Fan's eyes out. I quickly grabbed the kitten away before she could do that. It let out another disgruntled meow before it stopped and fell limp in my hands.

Racing To You [Liu Yuxin x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora